Lay of the Land

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March 2010 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images


  • [?? Current Link]
  • [?? Original Link]


Release Notes


Patch Size: 1,812k (Client: 4,508k)

Town Crier Rumors

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "It seems preparations are already beginning for the wedding ceremony, I'm so excited."
Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum has a new apprentice, Cara. Maybe I can apply next time they're hiring..."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports of additional activity in the areas presently held by the Gear Knights."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that the Direlands Gear Knight Invasion has started to spread."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "It seems the workers near Yanshi need help getting the wedding together."
Town Crier tells you, "The invading Gear Knights have expanded their works, and seem to be stockpiling Aetherium. Adventurers are being sought to go to the resistance camps, in order to be sent on missions to destroy these stockpiles."
Town Crier tells you, "The Gold Gear Primus in Xarabydun is seeking adventurers for a series of tasks."
Town Crier tells you, "My friend Zalphoos tells me that business is booming. Apparently his small shop gets far more passers by these days."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A wedding, I love weddings. You're surprised that I love weddings? Clearly you haven't heard of an open bar."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear those tin cans are now scouting all over the Direlands. Bah, almost as bad as those Virindi that've been playing them like a bad fiddle."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'd been working on this special brew when some bad mannered adventurer burst into my cottage causing the brew to spill. As it seeped into the ground it felt like something changed. Now I'm certain Dereth enjoys ale as much as I do."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm a little offended that with all the help they're asking for with this wedding, that no one thought to ask me to provide the ale. My home brew is the best around, but I guess there will just be more for me."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hmmmm... The Gear Knights seem to be stockpiling that strange purple rock they're so fascinated with. I wonder if it could be used to make a new Stout. I can't imagine what value it would have outside of that..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I heard that they were working on the Yanshi festival grounds. In an attempt to lighten it up some I tried to fill the nearby fountain with ale. That's when I discovered I didn't have enough ale for both me and the fountain, and even worse all those toe picking drudges nearby might drink it! So, I drank the ale and soaked up some mana from around the fountain for my recall home."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'll never forget how you helped me out with that whole broken wand problem. I really owe you one."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So... here."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant gives you Stout.
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You deserve that... Fred. Fredrina? Bah, whatever."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I heard Claude muttering smugly about how the Virindi are masters of time and space. Great bunch of hogwash, that is. I'm the master of time and space."

New Quests

Live Events

Updated Quests

New NPCs

In Xarabydun:

Master Craftsman Takahume tells you, "Greetings!"
Master Craftsman Takahume tells you, "I am Master Craftsman Takahume, and I had been tasked with the reconstruction of the large and impressive Gear Knight Primus standing beside me. Now that he is complete, and once again functional, we are collecting further pieces, to be sure that he keeps operating at peak efficiency."
Master Craftsman Takahume tells you, "To this end, I am rewarding adventurers for the collection of Aetherium Power Cores, Aetherium Ore, and Gears from the invading Gear Knights found in either the Direlands, or along the coast of the eastern shore of the Inner Sea."
Master Craftsman Takahume tells you, "If you wish to assist us, just bring me whatever Aetherium Cores, pieces of Aetherium Ore, or Gear Knight Gears you find, and we will reward you when you've contributed different set amounts of parts."

Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "Good day to you. I have managed to craft a portal spell to the Invasion area in the Direlands."
Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "If you wish, for the small fee of an MMD note, i can summon a portal to that location for you."
Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "Be warned, however, you must be at least 150th level to use the portal I crafted."

Atamarr tells you, "I have a task in which you may be able to aid me. I have managed to subvert a small number of Gear Knights in the Iron Blade's invasion, and they have identified a Gear Knight in a position of influence within the forces whose loss would slow the expansion of the Iron Blade"
Atamarr tells you, "There is an Iron Blade Warmaster who has recently arrived from our home realm. My spies tell me that he is a gifted tactician, and if his skills were given time to be exercised, it could spell trouble for us."
Atamarr tells you, "You will find the Warmaster deep within the excavations that the Iron Blade have made in the heart of the area they control in the Direlands."
Atamarr tells you, "I would expect he will not be easy to kill, so take care in this mission. I have also been told that he stays on the move, speaking with the troops and formulating plans, so he may be difficult to find. Search in the deepest areas of the excavation, and I am sure you'll find him soon enough. Once he is dead, return to me."

Kaytin tells you, "It is an honor to speak with you, small one. I am Kaytin, one of Atamarr's entourage, as well as his acting supply officer."
Kaytin tells you, "In Atamarr's quest to rebuild and maintain the rest of our companions, I have been given the task of collecting parts retrieved from those Gear Knights who are acting against this place and its people."
Kaytin tells you, "To this end, I am rewarding adventurers for the collection of Aetherium Power Cores, Aetherium Ore, and Gears from the invading Gear Knights found in either the Direlands, or along the coast of the eastern shore of the Inner Sea. If they wish to present themselves as enemies to the peoples of this land, they can at least be put to more productive use in deactivation."
Kaytin tells you, "If you wish to assist us, just bring me whatever Aetherium Cores, pieces of Aetherium Ore, or Gear Knight Gears you find, and we will reward you when you've contributed different set amounts of parts."
Kaytin tells you, "Also, if you are willing, I have a secondary task for you. The Iron Blade invasion in the Direlands will have a storage box placed deep in their defenses. It is common for their House to hide updates, orders, etc. in these boxes, where they will go unnoticed by invading forces."
Kaytin tells you, "Acquisition for me one of these boxes, and I will see what we can learn about their plans and reasonings in this invasion."

New Locations

Updated Locations

New Items

Menhir Mana Fields

Enchanted Mana Stone

Wedding Preparations

GazeboFile:Rock (Object) Icon.png Rock (Object) Tree Shaped Tree Stone Bench

Updated Items

New Titles

New Creatures

[[File:<Creature Class> Icon.png|link=<Creature Class>]] [[<Creature Class>]]

  • [[<Creature Name>]]
  • [[<Creature Name>]][[<Creature Name>/]][[<Creature Name>/]]


Click image for full size.

Known Issues


  • The Rocks that are required for the Wedding Preparations quest have been mistakenly named as "Tree".
  • The Shaped Trees in the Wedding Preparation Area are labeled "Stone Bench".

Splash Screen

[[File:<Patch Name> Splash Screen.jpg]]