Legendary Key Quests
From Drunkapedia
Main game topics: | Getting Started | Gameplay | Player Character | Items | World | Patches | Live Events |
Sub-topics: | Creatures | Locations | NPCs | Quests | Lore |
Quest lists: | Young Explorer Quests | XP Quests | Luminance Quests | Kill Tasks | Faction Quests Society Quests | MFK Quests | Legendary Key Quests | MMD Quests | Quest Index |
Quest tracking: | Quest Journal | Contracts |
Quests With Key Rewards
Related topics: Category:Legendary Key
These quests have Legendary Key(s) as a reward. Each of these quests count toward the Legendary Quests total and can be tracked using the Contract for Legendary Quests.
Legendary Key
{{#vardefine:legendarykeyquests|-1}}There are currently {{#var:legendarykeyquests}} quests in the table above.
Quests with Legendary Token/Aged Legendary Keys
Turn in 20 Legendary Tokens to any NPC you receive these trophies in exchange for one Aged Legendary Key. These quests do not count towards the total for Legendary Quests.
Legendary Token