Life Magic Alternatives
From Drunkapedia
Related topics: Life Magic (Skill), Item Enchantment Alternatives, Creature Enchantment Alternatives, Character Templates
The Life Magic skill deals in protection and a wide variety of effects based on the secondary attributes of Health, Stamina, and Mana.
- Use loot armor, clothing, and jewelry, which can come with built-in life magic spells. These spells are activated with the Arcane Lore skill.
- Use quest Armor, Clothing, and Jewelry, which can come with built-in life magic spells. These spells are activated with a variety of skills, though the most common is arcane lore.
- Use Alchemy Gems. Gems can be crafted for all the life buffs, level III - VII.
- Find and use loot generated gems, which can come with built-in life magic buffs.
- Take advantage of the Natural Resistances by increasing your Endurance and Strength.
- Use the Crystal of Life Protections found in either the Whispering Blade Chapterhouse or Rossu Morta Chapterhouse, depending on your server.
- Use the Buffing Array found in Freebooter Keep or Northwatch Castle.
- Have a friend, Alternative Character, or Buff Bot buff your attributes and skills.