Lorica Armor

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Introduced:  A New Threat

Loot-generated Lorica Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Lorica Armor
Heritage: Aluvian, tier III
Coverage: Full
AL: See Loot


  • Lorica is a Latin word meaning body armor.
  • The armor consists of 6 (legs, breastplate, sleeves, helm, gauntlets, boots) parts.
  • Some small, button-like parts of the breastplate and leggings and the "cheek" parts of the helm are semi-transparent, and take on the color of the underclothes:
  • Lorica is not available at any vendor, but only loot-generated.
  • Base material of the armor is usually some kind of metal for most parts, and hide for the sleeves.
  • When dyeing, the veins on all armor, the upper part of the leggings and sleeves (the "scale" parts) stay the original color (see below for dyed variations).
  • The boots and some parts of the breastplate dye a brighter color than the rest of the armor, the shading of the overlapping plates on for example the sleeves is kept.
  • When fail-dyeing, all armor except the sleeves get an orange icon, the sleeves the pink one. The sleeves and the lower part of the breastplate turn pink instead of orange.

Quest Lorica

Loot Lorica Pieces

Click image for full size.
Lorica Helmet Lorica Breastplate Lorica Leggings
Lorica Sleeves Lorica Gauntlets Lorica Boots

Dyed Lorica

Dyed Lorica Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

Known Palettes for Dyed Lorica Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Helm VT BP VT BP VT BP VT Sleeves VT Sleeves VT Sleeves VT Legs VT Legs VT Legs VT Gaunts VT Feet VT
6174 LoricaLapyan 057AA8 0B5F80 09506C 08465E 186A7E 08435A 073F55 00797E 063345 063649 034761 0A5471 0B5D7D
6177 LoricaColban 032B67 06234E 051D42 041A39 0E2C4D 041937 041734 00314D 03132A 03142C 01193B 061F45 06224C
6171 LoricaVerdalim 035E0A 06470B 053C09 043408 0D460D 043207 032F07 093800 032606 032906 013606 053F0A 06460B
6175 LoricaMinalim 05A887 0B8068 096C58 085E4D 187E61 085A49 075545 007E46 064538 06493B 03614D 0A715C 0B7D66
6178 LoricaRelanim 530367 40064E 360542 2F0439 3B0E4D 2C0437 2A0434 2B004D 22032A 24032C 2F013B 380645 3E064C
6179 LoricaThananim 353535 2A2A2A 232323 1F1F1F 2E2E2E 1E1E1E 1C1C1C 262626 171717 181818 1E1E1E 252525 292929
6172 LoricaHennacin 5E2003 471B06 3C1605 341404 461B0D 321204 2F1103 380400 260E03 290F03 361201 3F1805 461A06
6176 LoricaArgenory 484848 666666 5C5C5C 565656 6A6A6A 555555 525252 606060 4B4B4B 4D4D4D 555555 5F5F5F 646464
6173 LoricaBerimphur 4C650C 40540A 374A09 324208 4A590B 314108 2F3E07 404208 283606 2A3707 324208 3A4C09 3E530A
6180 LoricaNuked AC6100 8A4D01 744101 653901 960054 88004C 5B3300 98006D 4A2900 4E2B00 633700 7A4401 874C01
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in Loot

  • The loot-generated color table is still work in progress. See for a spreadsheet for the until now discovered palettes this file (right click, download as)
  • The parts that are in italics are dyeable, the others do not change color when dyed.
Known Palettes for Loot-generated Lorica Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Helmet Chest Arms Legs Hands Feet
6161 TarnishedGold 938D00 Veins 68652A Trim 7A7500, 838812 Shoulders 989200, 093800 Abdomen 827D00
6162 QuellBlue 004275 Main 0281B3 Scales 106688, 016084 Outside 174E68, 005678 Main 003661, 004A67 Main 0073A0 Main 007FB0
6163 MysticHippo 3A3A3A Main 464646 Scales 3A3A3A, 333333 Inside 313131, 2E2E2E Main 252525, 272727 Main 3E3E3E Main 444444
6164 MerubinBlue 427500 Main 004E8C Scales 004275, 003967 Inside 003762, 00345D Main 002A4B, 002C4F Main 00457C Main 004C88
6165 OldinOrange 5C3E19 Main 6D4A1E Scales 5C3E19, 503716 Inside 4C3415, 483114 Main 3A2810, 3E2A11 Main 60421B Main 6A481E
6166 GreyPupon 6C6009 Main 80720B Scales 6C6009, 5E5408 Inside 5A5008, 554C07 Main 453D06, 494106 Main 71650A Main 7D6F0B
6167 SamnaGreen 096C11 Main 0B8014 Scales 096C11, 085E0F Inside 085A0E, 07550D Main 06450B, 06490B Main 0A7112 Main 0B7D14
6168 NyxPurple 50096C Main 5F0B80 Scales 50096C, 46085E Inside 43085A, 3F0755 Main 330645, 360649 Main 540A71 Main 5D0B7D
6169 FireBrickRed 6C1909 Main 801E0B Scales 6C1909, 5E1608 Inside 5A1508, 551407 Main 451006, 491106 Main 711A0A Main 7D1D0B
6170 FlatGrey 5D5D5D Main 666666 Scales 5D5D5D, 5B5B5B Inside 555555, 525252 Main 4B4B4B, 4D4D4D Main 5F5F5F Main 646464
6181 SkyBlue 1686B1 Shirt 145397 Outside 0F3D6F Patches 0D4D66
6182 ChupBlack 3D3D3D Shirt 343434 Outside 262626 Patches 232323
6183 NightwolfBlue 0D0D6D Shirt 0B0B5E Outside 08084A Patches 07073F
6184 Earthday 6D3B0D Shirt 5E330B Outside 452508 Patches 3F2207
6185 OcreYellow 696D0D Shirt 5A5E0B Outside 424508 Patches 3D3F07
6186 PhyntosGreen 0D6D14 Shirt 0B5E11 Outside 08450D Patches 073F0B
6187 EvaRed 6D0D14 Shirt 5E0B11 Outside 45080D Patches 3F070C
6188 LysolPurple 520D6D Shirt 470B5E Outside 340845 Patches 2F073F
6189 SilverDollar 5E5E5E Shirt 575757 Outside 4C4C4C Patches 494949
6190 LorcanMist 005E93 Veins 2A5268 Trim 004E7A, 125488 Shoulders 006198 Abdomen 005382
6191 StoneGrey 2D2D2D Veins 2D2D2D Trim 252525, 2F2F2F Shoulders 2E2E2E Abdomen 282828
6192 InYourFaceBlue 001793 Veins 2A3468 Trim 00137A, 121B88 Shoulders 001898 Abdomen 001482
6193 BurntOrange 77471C Veins 5C4836 Trim 633B17, 715128 Shoulders 7B4A1D Abdomen 693F18
6194 ShowbizViolet 810093 Veins 602A68 Trim 6B007A, 831288 Shoulders 860098 Abdomen 730082
6195 WildRed 930017 Veins 801E0B Trim 780000, 9A0000 Shoulders 980000 Abdomen 820000
6196 DanteGrey 696969 Veins 686868 Trim 5E5E5E, 6C6C6C Shoulders 6B6B6B Abdomen 626262
6197 NeonGreen 009300 Veins 019200 Trim 007A00, 009A0C Shoulders 009800 Abdomen 008200
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.