Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Call Handbook/Bestiary
Related topics: Creatures
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The Armoredillo
The Armoredillo is a curious creature, covered in a hard shell bristling with bony, foot-long blades. They are solitary hunters, ranging in size from three to six-feet long. Different breeds dwell in deserts, plains, mountains, and shallow water. They attack with their beaked jaws and their spine blades. Their spinning attack is particularly devastating. It is rumored that skilled artisans can shape Armoredillo blades into wicked weapons.
Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed
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See Guardian Chief.
Dangerous (leaders: Deadly)
Cattle (and Auroch)
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Cattle in Dereth come in two varieties: the common domesticated Cow and the large Auroch. Cows tend to be found near human establishments and are non-aggressive. Aurochs, recognizable by their shaggy coats and log horns, roam the grasslands; they do not attack on sight, but will defend their herd of it is threatened. Tales speak of even deadlier types of Auroch who dwell on the plains north of the Gharu'ndim lands.
Cows: Weak; Aurochs: Dangerous
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See Skulkers in Twilight.
Feeble to Weak, with the exceptional noted
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As the Soul Crystals were destroyed, Isparians encountered increasing numbers of Crystal Fragments wandering the face of Dereth. It would seem that the magic used to create the Soul Crystals was powerful enough to survive their shattering. These Fragments continue to wander the world, and judging by their persistent appearances, are somehow self-replicating.
Fragments are multi-faceted, humming crystals that levitate above the ground. Although they are encountered sporadically, these relics of potent magic force should never be regarded lightly. Fragment material is a powerful resource once one is subdued -- a vital component of Isparian Shadowhunter Armor.
Types of Fragments include:
- Broken Fragment
- Fragment
- Dual Fragment
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While not technically a separate species, the Gelidite undead deserve special mention.
The Gelidites were once living Empyreans from Gelid, a frigid plateau in the north of the ancient necromantic Kingdom of Dericost. Defeated and placed on reservations by Asheron's people, the Gelidites later escaped to the Lost Wish Mountain Range of Dereth. Returning to the forbidden arts of their ancestors, they sought to meet their own apocalyptic prophesies in undeath, and so carved the “Lost City” of Frore out of the cold granite of the mountains.
In the bowels of the mountains, the Gelidites discovered one of the Soul Crystals in which the soul of Bael'Zharon, the dread Hopeslayer, lay imprisoned. This Crystal, and its subsequent use, became their “Great Work” -- draining Dereth of heat and plunging all into a sudden season of winter.
When Isparians destroyed the Great Work to restore warmth to the world, most of the Gelidite sect was destroyed. Their leaders Ferundi, Fenngar, Frisander, and Frisirth were slain. Only a few Gelidites now remain, voluntarily entombed in their frigid, empty city, waiting for the end of time.
For more information on the Gelidites, copies of their texts “The Book of Minesh” and “Our Great Work” may be purchased from the scribes of Hebian-to and Zaikhal, respectively.
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See Chiseled Forms.
Dangerous to Lethal, depending on material
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The Grievver
The scholars of the Zaikhal Arcanum originally titled the Grievvers "Gria'venir," after a race of spider-daemons in Gharu'ndim mythology. This was quickly slurred into something more pronounceable and appropriate; all too often, those who have encountered a Grievver have been found reeling beside a lifestone, bemoaning the loss of irreplaceable equipment.
These spindly, agile creatures appear fragile, due to their thin limbs and slender profile. However, they are quite resistant to magic and are vicious in melee combat. A few varieties can even cast powerful magic themselves, and reports state that some spit acid, while others, through some unknown ability, produce lightning.
Grievvers have only recently begun to appear in the company of Shadows. Prevailing theory holds that they were once Olthoi, or, more likely, some other species of creature from the magicless insect world. It is believed that the forces of Bael'Zharon, seeking to exploit their natural resistance to the arcane arts, twisted them to serve as warriors in the Shadow army.
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See Gromnies: Collectors' Hunt.
The Gromnie is a ferocious, draconian predator. Breeds of different colors dwell in deserts, mountains, forests, glaciers and swamps, and some have also found their way underground. They stand from three to five feet tall at the shoulder. They are extremely aggressive and vicious, ravaging their victims with tooth and claw. In addition, they are known to spit various breath weapons -- fire, ice, lightning or acid, depending on their breed.
Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed
Hollow Minions
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Hollow Minions
As if that were not enough, somehow the Virindi managed to acquire their own supplies of chorizite. With them, they constructed a new breed of servitors: Hollow Minions, embodying the very nature of hollow magic. No enchanted armor could withstand their attacks, no mage-invoked protection could block their strikes.
Powerful guardians, the Hollow Minions remain a bane to all who normally crouch behind the shield of magical defense.
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In proof, many of the isles' Idols, strange totemic figures carven to resemble Dereth's creatures, seemed to possess a secret, hidden life-force of their own. Such Idols felled many an explorer who believed they had overcome all odds to reach a hidden treasure -- only to have one of these towering creations come bursting to life!
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Knath'taed appear as translucent slabs of crystal. They remained another inexplicable wonder of Dereth until the opening of the Caverns of Laeraa in Harvestgain of Portal Year 11. While the town of Xarabydun was built in the upper levels of the cave complex, adventurers recovered literature from the old Empyrean archive in the lower levels. This revealed that the Knath are actually the result of “slippage”; that is, the mana released into the environment when a mage fizzles a spell. This “spilled” mana seeps into the ground, occasionally animating certain types of crystal.
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Lugian society is clannish and structured, employing a rigid caste system and a strict code of honor to enforce order among their ranks. Their five castes, from lowest to highest, are Laigus (commoner), Amploth (artisan), Obeloth (fighter), Lithos (champion) and Gigas (ruler). Ascending from one caste to the next is achieved through a bloody battle to the death. Lugians are severe isolationists: intruders in their steadings are slain swiftly and without mercy.
Dangerous to Deadly, depending on caste
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Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed
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Weak to Dangerous (leaders: Deadly)
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A small army of Moarsmen guard the catacombs of Ithaenc Cathedral from trespass. They were present in the tunnels when first opened in Leafcull of P.Y. 11, implying that they have been performing the same role for centuries. From references in the Empyrean archive found under Xarabydun, it would seem that the priestesses of the Adjanite Order made a practice of taming and training the beasts. If true, this would indicate that, like the feral Gromnies, Moarsmen are one of the rare native species to survive the arrival of so many alien species on Dereth.
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Dangerous to Deadly (outcasts: Weak, tremendous: Deadly)
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See Mosswarts: A Sage's Mosswart Encounter.
Weak to Dangerous (leaders: Deadly)
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The Niffis
While Niffis can cast spells, their primary preference appears to be close combat, and their tentacles can cause great damage. Yet, as much as travelers dread seeing a Niffis' form come floating across the dunes, something about this creature has caused more than a few people to stop and stare in awe -- sometimes to their regret.
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See The Olthoi: Ill Wind.
The Olthoi

Olthoi are a scourge upon the land: insectoid engines of death standing from seven to eight feet tall. They are responsible for the Empyrean's flight from the world, and until recently ran rampant across Dereth. Their numbers have diminished since Elysa Strathelar and Thorsten Cragstone overthrew them, but they can still be found deep in their dark, underground hives.
Olthoi are fast, vicious fighters, impaling victims with their huge digging claws and eviscerating them with their smaller, razor-sharp talons. Once they choose a foe they continue to attack until that foe is dead. To them, anything that is not an Olthoi is either prey or a potential slave.
Like ants and bees, Olthoi come in different forms, each suited to a particular role in their society:
Nymphs are immature Olthoi. They are relatively weak and easy to kill, but can still slaughter an entire party of inexperienced adventurers. Deadly
Workers are sterile drones, responsible for digging new tunnels and other menial tasks. They are the most common form of Olthoi. Lethal
Soldiers have but one purpose: to find threats to the hive and destroy them. Their barbed claws can slice through the strongest armor. They can also spit streams of acid. Lethal
Two other forms -- Nobles and Queens -- are now believed to be extinct. There are always rumors, though, that more still dwell far underground, waiting until the time is right to conquer the surface once again.
Phyntos Wasps
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Phyntos Wasps
Phyntos Wasps may be brightly colored and beautiful to look at, but they are also a dire pestilence. These flying insects are huge, with wingspans of three to four feet, and are unafraid to attack vastly superior foes with their cruel stingers. They come in different colors, each of which can use a different magical attack and is found in a different environment, from deserts to forests to swamps. Their buzzing can be heard from a great distance.
Weak to Dangerous, depending on color
Known Phyntos Wasps colors:
- red
- green
- blue
- gold
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Rabbits are small, timid creatures, dangerous only to grass, clover, and the sickly underclass of porters many adventurers in Dereth employ to carry around their hard-earned spoils. It is believed that they are descended from pet hutch rabbits brought over from Ispar, being tame enough that any passer-by can walk up to and pat one if they so choose. Lamentably, recent arrivals more frequently practice their combat skills on them. In light of the wholesale slaughter of these long-eared rodents, particularly near settled areas, it would seem the only thing maintaining Dereth's bountiful rabbit population is the creatures' own penchant for reproducing.
Rabbits can be used to make a number of delicious foods. There are, however, rumors of a mighty albino rabbit that haunts the wilderness, hunting the hunters. . .
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Rats are as much a fact of life on Dereth as they were on Ispar. The rodents in this world are of unusual size, however, being two or more feet from nose to tail. While most are easy to kill, they can still be daunting when they attack in swarms, and the more dangerous Black and Red Rats can be formidable. They dwell on the fringes of human habitation, and have also overrun many shallow dungeons. They attack with startling speed, leaping to sink their teeth into their victims.
Feeble to Weak (Black and Red Rats: Dangerous)
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See The Reedshark: Claw, Tooth and Fin.
The Reedshark
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See The Sclavus: Murk Dwellers
The Sclavus
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The first Shadows, then, were Empyrean, corrupted by the same force of chaos that empowered Bael'Zharon. These Shadows fought a vicious war against the ancient Empyrean and nearly destroyed them. Only the actions of the Yalain Mage Council and Asheron saved the race from absorption or destruction.
In recent months, the Shadows captured and corrupted many humans into members of their ranks. They took other species as well; some believe Greivvers to be wildly mutated Olthoi, and the Shadow Sprites bear a striking resemblance to the fey Zefir. It is known from historical records that in the last war, the Shadows similarly twisted several Gromnatross -- the adult form of Dereth's Gromnies -- into the Shadow Spires.
There are only three Shadows known by name. Ler Rhan and Black Ferah are “generals” in the service of Bael'Zharon. They are extremely powerful entities that do not seem to fully exist in our world. Instead, they send aspects of themselves into Dereth. Isin Dule was once a fellow Shadow general, but rebelled when his master was freed in P.Y. 11. When Bael'Zharon was defeated, he exiled Dule and his forces from the ranks of the “true” Shadows. The current location and activity of Dule's followers are not known.
There are indications that some Shadows, particularly those of the more powerful Panumbris and Umbris types, predate the conversion of Ilservian into Bael'Zharon. Scholars believe this indicates the force that empowered the Hopeslayer has sought the conquest of Dereth for a far much longer time than is commonly known.
Types of Shadows include:
- Shadow Child
- Shadow
- Shadow Lieutenant
- Panumbris Shadow
- Umbris Shadow
Shallows Shark
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The Shallows Shark
Shallows Sharks are a mutant breed of Reed Shark found along the shores of lakes and rivers. They look similar to their land-dwelling cousins, but are smaller and even more savage. They often lurk in shallow water, hiding until prey comes near. They do not like to share their territory with other creatures, including land-dwelling Reed Sharks.
Dangerous to Deadly
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The Shreth
Weak to Deadly, depending on growth stage
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No one knows the true form of the Slithis. They are encountered only as a small field of waving tentacles, erupting from soft earth and pools of stagnant water. The main body of the creature lurks somewhere underground, sight unseen.
Based on the recovered journals of the undead general Anadil, it would seem that the Slithis are quite an ancient species, potentially of great importance. He noted that: “. . . the (Undead) believe the tentacled creatures are the spawn of the Great Ones.” The mythical “Great Ones” referred to are the gods of the vanished Empyrean Falatacot people, who taught the arts of necromancy to later civilizations.
The implication is that the Slithis, as we know them, are but the young offspring of far more eldritch and powerful creatures who have been absent from the world for many thousands of years. Anadil's journal recounted a description of the Great Ones offered by Aerfalle, the undead Lady of Aerlinthe Island:
Slithis are only encountered on the Vesayen Islands, in the southeast of Dereth.
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As a race, Tumeroks prefer to dwell in dry, rocky regions, and they have made the Direlands their home. They have dug their own dungeons, and have built several fortresses, surrounded by wooden palisades. They often use lesser humanoids as slaves and foot soldiers. Being natural conquerors, they sometimes encroach on human settlements, engaging in both quick raids and longer sieges, using numbers to ensure victory. If they ever organize under one leader, they would be a dire threat to any who stood against them.
Dangerous (leaders: Deadly to Lethal)
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The Undead
A fine sift of mortar trickles from the broken seal on an ancient room, the door opens, and stale, fetid air curls forth. Under the sudden wash of torchlight, the recumbent lines of a corpse resolve out of the gloom, skull turned face-forward. All is still . . . but wait! A red glow kindles deep within each empty eye socket, a shudder passes through the limbs, and the horror lurches from the slab.
Many sorcerers believe the undead derive vitality from a common pool of magic. Ardivan guesses that when Bael'Zharon resurrects his faithful, he siphons some life force from them and sends it to this pool. The scribe has been quick to add, however, that he cannot yet support his ideas with evidence.
Though death is seldom permanent for humans in Dereth, there are nonetheless a growing number of Undead - mostly the risen forms of those who died before discovering the Lifestones. Some evil magic, its source unknown, is touching the slain and raising them to wreak vengeance upon the living.
The notion of the Undead as slow and stupid is only partly true. While the weaker forms cleave to this archetype, their more powerful fellows are often as quick and intelligent as the living - and far more malicious.
The Undead are commonly found in wastelands forsaken by the living, such as barren deserts and fetid swamps, and also in old tombs, ruins and dungeons.
There are many different kinds of undead, including the following:
Skeletons are bare bones, stripped of their flesh. They attack with weapons, or with hands and feet. The most powerful Skeleton Lords also wield magic. Weak (leaders: Dangerous to Lethal)
Zombies are walking corpses. They fight like Skeletons, but are stronger and more apt to use sorcery. 'Dangerous'
Liches and Revenants are the animated bodies of wizards. They are among the most powerful magic-users of all the undead. Deadly to Lethal'
Mu-miyahs resemble zombies, but their bodies have been preserved, either by art or accident, and do not rot. All of them can use magic. Dangerous' to Lethal
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The Ursuin
The Ursuin are stocky, four-legged creatures that travel together in small packs. They stand anywhere from three to seven feet tall at the shoulder, though there are rumored to be even larger species. It is thought that these carnivores pursued some other form of fauna through a portal and ended up in Dereth. The Ursuin are natives of Ispar; however, this does not curb their aggressive tendencies towards other Isparians . . . or anything else for that matter.
In fact, the Ursuin are rather erratic in their behavior, being quite languid in some instances yet driven to murderous rage the next, leading to the expression, "it is best to let a sleeping Ursuin lie.” They seem to be adapting to the new terrain quickly, each breed seeking out the regions for which it is best suited. Recently, former natives of Ispar have taken to naming the different breeds of Ursuin by the territories they have migrated to. Only time will tell what impact this carnivore will have on the ecosystem of Dereth.
The Virindi
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The Virindi
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Weaker Wisps tend to be blue in hue, while stronger ones are green or red.
Weak to Deadly, depending on color
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Zefir are small, winged humanoids that dwell within ruins and subterranean caverns. Unlike the benevolent faerie folk of legend, the Zefir are mean-spirited and destructive, and have no love for humans. They attack in swarms to defend their lairs, scratching with their sharp claws, and can also draw upon a large arsenal of harmful spells. They are particularly fond of fire and lightning, and are resistant to damage from those sources.
Dangerous to Deadly, depending on breed