Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Call Handbook/Recovering from Death
Related topics: Death and Vitae
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Recovering from Death

The Penalty
When you are slain, you'll resurrect at the last lifestone to which you attuned your character, having lost one or more valuable items, half your pyreals, if any, and a percentage of your "vitae," or life force. All your skills are decreased by the percentage of your vitae loss and so are the maximum values of your so-called "secondary attributes" -- Health, Stamina, and Mana.

Your first order of business after gaining safety usually will be to seek your corpse, which is left at the location of your demise. Since your vitae and equipment loss will make it harder to deal with whatever hazard sent you to the lifestone, seek some extra help before returning, but don't take too long. Unless you're a Player Killer, other players cannot loot your corpse, but in any case, your corpse only persists for five minutes for each level you've attained, and then fades, leaving your items on the ground for anyone to pick up. If you think you'll have trouble returning to your corpse, consider cutting your losses and concentrating on reducing your vitae penalty instead. Keep in mind that neither Online Staff nor Microsoft Product Support are able to produce items that have been lost nor help you locate your corpse.

Death, Where Is Thy Sting? Taking Precautions
There are several steps you can take to ensure that you'll bounce back quickly from a fatal mishap.
You will save yourself a great deal of distress if you remember to stop yourself before taking a risk to make sure you can find your way back to your present location from the lifestone. If you're in the wilderness, always open your map and write down your coordinates before rushing into battle. When you're low level, you may want to adventure close to the lifestone, so that you can get to your corpse during the few minutes before it vanishes.
Beginning with the April update, we also provided you the means to give another player permission to access your corpse and take any items on it. We did this to help players who find themselves in situations where they cannot get to their corpse but their friends can. Caution should be used when giving another player this permission. We advise that you know the person and trust that they intend to return your items to you. If you are unsure of this, we advise you not to give them permission.
Following are the commands to use:
@permit add <player name> -- allows you to give another player permission to loot one of your corpses.
@permit remove <player name> -- allows you to revoke permission from another player to loot one of your corpses.
@consent on -- turns on the ability for you to accept permissions from players.
@consent off -- turns off the ability for you to accept permissions from players.
@consent remove <player name> -- removes a specific player from your consent list. You can no longer loot that player's corpse.
@consent who -- lists in the text box all players whom you have permission to loot.
@consent clear -- removes all players from your consent list. You cannot loot any person's corpse until they @permit you again.
If you have multiple corpses, you can only give permission for one of them. Therefore, the player to whom you give permission can access any one of your corpses, but after the first, that player will need to be granted permission an additional time in order to access your next corpse.
You can have up to twenty people in your consent list at one time. Additionally, when you log off, all permissions to loot corpses will be removed.
Besides getting to your corpse, your other great challenge often will be overcoming whatever killed you in the first place. Whether in a dungeon or not, try to lure powerful monsters well away from their home base before engaging them in combat so that they'll leave the area -- and therefore your corpse.
More important than being able to return to your corpse, however, is taking measures to ensure that none of your most vital equipment gets left on it in the first place. When you die, you leave behind a number of items equal to your level divided by ten, rounded up (but always at least one); PLUS, if you're level 10 or over, you have an equal chance of losing an additional 0, 1, or 2 items. At 20th level, therefore, you will have an equal chance of leaving behind 2, 3, or 4 items.
You have no control over the number of items you lose, but you have a good deal of control over which items you lose. Items are lost in order of value and according to major categories. Here's the system, taken straight from the developer spec, that Asheron's Call uses to determine the way items are lost:
First, we sort the inventory by order of value. Second, we go back through the inventory starting at the most expensive item down and look at each item's category. If we've seen the item before, we divide the value of the item in half. At this point, we add a random 0 to 10% variance to each item's value.

Example: Let's say we have a level-50 player who is slated to lose five items. He has a sword worth 5000p, five gems worth 1000p, a potion worth 1200, and two pieces of armor worth 1500p. Our list of the five items he loses would look like:
- sword (5000p)
- armor (1500p)
- potion (1200p)
- gem (1000p)
- armor (750p -- it got halved by the above system)
We keep the other four gems (500p each -- these got halved by the above system).
On the other hand, if the player instead has a 5000p sword, 2500p sword, 1000p, sword and a lot of miscellaneous other stuff for 10p each, he'll lose all three swords, and two of the 10p items. This way, the player will still be losing his more valuable items and not just a bunch of 10p low-value items.

Exempt Possessions
The death penalty does not apply to trade notes at all, regardless of their value, so convert your extra pyreals into trade notes as often as possible. Also, it does not affect certain pieces of starting equipment (such as your starting wand and starting clothing, but not including food or components). So if you never want to be caught without your wand or your shirt, don't get rid of your most precious newbie equipment.