Nexus Crawl

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Nexus Crawl
Level: ??
Type: Solo/Small Group
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

  • Help Ned the Clever investigate the Apostate Virindi by placing a listening device deep in the Apostate Nexus. Earn an Epic Magic Resist, Epic Life Magic Virindi Mask.

Walk Through

  1. Speak to Ned the Clever in Zaikhal. He will give you an Aetheric Resonator.
  2. Go to the old Nexus dungeon at 40.1S, 79.2W in the West Direlands.
    • Route: Run Northeast from Ayan Baqur or Southeast from Mount Lethe (if you have the recall spell) to 40.1S, 79.2W.
  3. Run through the Nexus dungeon (full of Viamontians and Eaters). At the second acid pit you have to jump over you will see a crystal in the bottom of the pit. Jump down into the pit rather than over it and use the crystal to be teleported into the Apostate Nexus.
  4. Run through the dungeon (full of Apostate Tumeroks, Virindi, and Hollow Minions). It is fairly linear.
    • Warning: The Apostate Nexus Hollow Minions do large amounts of hollow melee damage. If you are lower level using a melee defense/magic defense rare can be very helpful if alone, the creatures near the end do a lot of hollow damage and draining.
  5. Find the Apostate Nexus Master and kill him. He will drop an Apostate Master's Broken Mask and a Aetherium Vault Key.
    • Warning: Be sure everyone in group gets a mask, you will be locked out of the dungeon after you speak to Ned after having placed the resonator.
  6. Use the key to open the locked door in the room with the Master. Proceed to the end of the dungeon where you will find an Apostate Aetherium Deposit guarded by 4 Apostate Nexus Hollow Minions.
  7. Give your Aetheric Resonator to the Deposit.
  8. Return to Ned in Zaikhal for a reward. Hand him the broken mask to receive the Nexus Crawler's Mask. The mask is currently in a bugged state, though it is Ivoryably, you cannot actually add Ivory.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Apostate Nexus Inside Nexus 7F02.gif --


Quest Items

Aetheric Resonator Apostate Master's Broken Mask Aetherium Vault Key Apostate Aetherium Deposit


Nexus Crawler's Mask

Experience Rewards


Lore & Dialog

Speaking ot Ned under 150:
Ned the Clever tells you, "I'm sorry, I'm looking for help with a bit of geomantic investigation, but I'm afraid you're not strong enough to help me."

Speaking to Ned 150+:
Ned the Clever tells you, "Excellent! You can help me! We in the Arcanum think the Virindi Apostates are up to no good, but we're not sure what they're doing. It all seems to be involved with this rare Aetherium metal that's been recently discovered. We think they are stockpiling great quantities of the ore, but we do not know what they intend to do with it. We need a doughty adventurer like yourself to seek out a deposit under their control, and plant a tracking device in their stores..."
Ned the Clever tells you, "We have traced some suspicious energy patterns to the old Nexus discovered during the days of Bael'Zharon's rise. This facility may hold some clue to the location of a Virindi Apostate storehouse. Seek out the Nexus portal in the Direlands at 40.1S, 79.2W, investigate the facility, and see if you can find a way from there to the Apostate deposits. Once there, you can place this Aetheric resonator within the deposit, and I will be able to monitor their activities for the Arcanum."
Ned the Clever gives you Aetheric Resonator.

Using the Crystal in the Nexus:
The crystal seems to shiver when you touch it, and resonates in a high, clear tone that is echoed by the Aetheric Resonator in your pack. There is a pause, and all of a sudden you feel yourself being teleported to the Apostate Nexus...

Giving the Aetheric Resonator to the Apostate Aetherium Deposit:
You give Apostate Aetherium Deposit Aetheric Resonator.
You carefully place the Aetheric Resonator on the deposit, and there is a brief, harmonic chime, as if to let you know that your task is done.

Using the Apostate Aetherium Deposit:
Apostate Aetherium Deposit tells you, "You run your hand over the deposit of slightly humming Aetherium, and remember that Ned asked you to place his Aetheric Resonator within the deposit..."

Talking to Ned after competing the quest:
Ned the Clever tells you, "Congratulations! I've already been able to see, through my instruments, that you have successfully infiltrated the Apostate Nexus and placed my resonator in their deposit of purified Aetherium. This is exactly what I needed to keep track of the Apostates' activities for the Arcanum. The realm is grateful. Allow me to reward you..."
You've earned 297,235,856 experience.
Ned the Clever tells you, "If you picked up a mask from the master of that facility, you can give it to me and I'll make it useable for a human."

Giving Ned the Broken Apostate Master's Mask:
You give Ned the Clever Apostate Master's Broken Mask.
Ned the Clever tells you, "Yes, well done, this must have belonged to the Master of the Apostate Nexus. It only takes a few alterations, and a realignment of the energy lattice contained therein..."
Ned the Clever gives you Nexus Crawler's Mask.
Ned the Clever tells you, "If you don't like that, or find it less than useful, you can give it back to me in exchange for some practical training."

Using Crystal in the Nexus after talking to Ned for reward:
The crystal remains inert to your touch, though you hear a discordant tone ringing painfully in your ears.