Paradox-touched Nymph Kill Task

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Paradox-touched Nymph Kill Task
Level: ??
Type: Hunter Quest
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Walk Through

  1. Talk to Tomihino at 43.8N 54.9E in Olthoi North. He sends you to kill 50 Paradox-touched Olthoi Nymphs, such as Paradox-touched Olthoi Warrior Nymphs. They can be found in the surrounding areas.

Experience Rewards

Lore & Dialog

Tomihino tells you, "Greetings to you. I am glad you have come up this way. If you are willing to aid us against these strange new Olthoi, I could set you to a task that you may find enlightening."

Tomihino tells you, "In large numbers nearby, but seen throughout this 'Olthoi North', there are young Olthoi, those Nymphs of their species, touched by a strange Paradox of energies. Slay them, 50 should do for now, and return to me. Do this task and you shall be rewarded for it."

Tomihino tells you, "You have done well. With the losses you have inflicted upon their young, it should slow their expansion considerably. I offer my thanks to you, and humbly ask that you return in a week, to help keep their numbers down."
You've earned 5,000,000 experience.
