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Related topics: Creatures, Category:Shadow


The tale of the Shadows is long and still unclear in many respects.

Three thousand years ago, an Empyrean named Ilservian Palacost gave himself over in service to an ancient, nameless power of darkness and madness. He became known as Bael’Zharon, the “Slayer of Hope” in the language of Asheron’s people. Ilservian’s followers were changed into Shadows.

The first Shadows, then, were Empyrean, corrupted by the same force of chaos that empowered Bael’Zharon. These Shadows fought a vicious war against the ancient Empyrean and nearly destroyed them. Only the actions of the Yalain Mage Council and Asheron saved the race from absorption or destruction.

In recent months, the Shadows captured and corrupted many humans into members of their ranks. They took other species as well; some believe Greivvers to be wildly mutated Olthoi, and the Shadow Sprites bear a striking resemblance to the fey Zefir. It is known from historical records that in the last war, the Shadows similarly twisted several Gromnatross — the adult form of Dereth’s Gromnies — into the Shadow Spires.

There are only three Shadows known by name. Ler Rhan and Black Ferah are “generals” in the service of Bael’Zharon. They are extremely powerful entities that do not seem to fully exist in our world. Instead, they send aspects of themselves into Dereth. Isin Dule was once a fellow Shadow general, but rebelled when his master was freed in P.Y. 11. When Bael’Zharon was defeated, he exiled Dule and his forces from the ranks of the “true” Shadows. The current location and activity of Dule’s followers are not known.

There are indications that some Shadows, particularly those of the more powerful Panumbris and Umbris types, predate the conversion of Ilservian into Bael’Zharon. Scholars believe this indicates the force that empowered the Hopeslayer has sought the conquest of Dereth for a far much longer time than is commonly known. Amorphous Lump Fleshy Lump (Isin Dule's Orders) Fleshy Lump (Shadow Note Translation) Oozing Lump Pulsing Lump Shriveled Lump Sticky Lump Throbbing Lump


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
A Shadow of Black Ferah 205 50000 6
A Shadow of Ler Rhan 205 50000 6
Abyssal Child 135 74000 525 6
Abyssal Shadow Lugian 125 62481 513 5
Abyssal Shadow 110 52000 450 4
Amaroth 115 224500 6160 5
Archmage Aigonne 165 1000 6
Banished Shadow 85 21488 629 3
Black Flame 150 2165 6
Captain Faalx 165 470000 30140 6
Caulnalain Shadow Leader 79 16000 400 3
Consumed Wraith 155 3000 6
Dark Inferno 105 4
Dealith 165 6000 6
Degenerate Shadow Commander 195 345000 419 12205 7
Degenerate Shadow 185 200000 370 600 7
Delerium Shadow 145 1600 6
Depraved Child 145 12000 1600 6
Depraved Shadow Commander 195 320000 424 12205 7
Depraved Shadow 195 200000 605 7
Devious Shadow 32 4000 150 1
Dire Champion Shadow 145 400000 2000 6
Fallen Shadow 161 325000 5500 6
Faurset 165 6000 6
Fenmalain Shadow Leader 44 7000 250 2
Formless Shadow 150
Forsaken Child 161 5000 6
Grael's Shadow Captain 161 4000 6
Grael's Shadow Lieutenant 125 5000 5
Greater Void Lord 161 74000 4000 6
Hastar the Misbegotten 185 8000 6
Imp 235 500 6
Isin Dule 257 6
Isin Dule's Captain 165 6
Isin Dule's Lieutenant 165 600000 6130 6
Kaihoatai the Monitor 161 75000 4000 6
Keeper of the First Door 185 808 6
Keeper of the Second Door 185 730 6
Kirienne Palacost 161 5000 6
Lesser Shadow Wretch 105 620 4
Lesser Void Knight 100 625 4
Liantor 165 18390 6
Lieutenant Beraxis 165 470000 5130 6
Lieutenant Shenza 165 470000 5130 6
Lieutenant Yezusthule 165 470000 5130 6
Lower Shadow Heart Leader 115 55930 450 5
Maelstrom Shadow 100 43000 625 4
Mini Shadow Aspect of Grael 100 0 801 0 None
Mini Shadow 42 0 0 None
Pandemic Child 125 500 5
Pandemonium Shadow 85 21000 510 3
Panumbral Soldier 165 6130 6
Panumbris Shadow 79 17500 278 325 410 3
Parfarrail the Seer 161 75000 4000 6
Paroxysm Shadow 90 25000 525 3
Penumbral Shadowmage 185 5000 6
Pontifex Maegris 165 1200 6
Shadow (Creature) 26 2500 138 1
Shadow Aspect of Grael 205 50000 6
Shadow Captain 185 5000 6
Shadow Child 16 1250 100 1
Shadow Commander (Lugian) 125 62500 513 5
Shadow Commander 195 10000 6
Shadow Cyst (89) 89 300 3
Shadow Cyst (165) 165 480000 60140 6
Shadow Eddy 155 9800 6
Shadow Governess
Shadow Infiltrator 115 56000 450 5
Shadow Knight Hand 185 5000 6
Shadow Kresovus 165 6100 6
Shadow Lieutenant 61 11500 190 2
Shadow Lugian Portal 115 64500 5050 5
Shadow Nightmare Leader 145 120000 1600 6
Shadow Nightmare 135 75000 359 525 6
Shadow Phantom Leader 125 100000 1200 5
Shadow Phantom 120 60000 450 5
Shadow Proctor 165 470000 1800 6
Shadow Protector 180 10000 0 None
Shadow Seeker 105 33500 450 4
Shadow Sorceress 195 10000 6
Shadow Spectre 115 56000 450 5
Shadow Sprite 4 15 1
Shadow Vortex 999 200000 6
Shadow Wraith 125 65000 354 500 5
Shoktok 115 224750 6160 5
Shonossoar the Song-Keeper 161 75000 4000 6
Sinister Shadow 100 42000 625 4
Small Shadow Child 4 230 30 1
Tainted Knight 170 720 6
Tainted Vivimancer 170 730 6
Tempest Shadow 155 3000 6
Tenebrous Shadow 105 47000 450 4
The Black Breath 648 858 6
Twisted Shadow 161 70000 500 6
Umbral Soldier 165 470000 6135 6
Umbris Elite Commander 195 12205 6
Umbris Elite
Umbris Shadow 85 21000 378 282 420 3
Upper Shadow Heart Leader 115 55930 450 5
Urleg 115 224500 6160 5
Void Knight 161 5000 6
Void Lord 135 75000 2000 6
Wretched Child 155 3000 6
Wretched 161 305000 5000 6

There are -1 Shadow entries on this page.
There are currently 124 pages categorized as Shadow.


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