Small Lugian Sinew
From Drunkapedia
Introduced: | Paths of Destruction | Related Quests: | Composite Bow |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 10
- The sinew of a departed small Lugian.
This item has no apparent use.
- Creatures that drop this item.
- Does not stack.
- Use a Cooking Pot on the sinew using Cooking to produce a Cured Lugian Sinew.
- Give to a Collector for 2,750 xp and 2,500p.
- You give Collector Small Lugian Sinew.
- Collector tells you, "I take it the lugian didn't need this?"
- You've earned 3,750 experience.
- Collector gives you 2,500 Pyreals.
- Collector tells you, "Thanks! Watch for flying rocks."