Suma bint Nayn the Librarian

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Suma bint Nayn the Librarian

Introduced during ??.

NPC Summary
Name: Suma bint Nayn the Librarian
Title: Librarian
Race: Male Gharu'ndim
Location: Zaikhal 13.8N 0.1E
Route: See Zaikhal, then a bit W and uphill
Currency: Pyreal


Suma bint Nayn the Librarian tells you, "Welcome to the Zaikhal Library. We store here stories from the glorious Gharu'ndim past. A few we sell, as well."

Suma bint Nayn the Librarian tells you, "May your travels take you far."


  • See Scribe for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 170%, buys at 80%.


Books, Paper

Book Parchment Tome
Lashanda's Hand Midnight Revelation Recalling the Calling
Derethian Skies Interlude Book of Seasons
Excerpts from the Zharalim Practical Applications of Chorizite Concerning the Revelations of Anti-Magic