The Boar of Cinghalle

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From the Heritage Masks collection, introduced in during the Dance of the Dead event.

The Boar of Cinghalle.
The Boar of Cinghalle
Value: 4,000
800 Burden Units
This exquisite piece of Regalia, made in the style of Viamontian High Heraldry, depicts the Boar of House Cinghalle. The Cinghalle are renowned in Viamont for being the most skilled hunters in the country.

Armor Level: 250
Covers Head

Casts the following spells: Armor Tinkering Expertise Self V, Impentrability IV, Armor Self V, Fealty Self V, Invulnerability Self V

Armor Level: 250
Slashing: Above Average (350)
Piercing: Above Average (300)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (350)
Fire: Above Average (300)
Cold: Above Average (300)
Acid: Above Average (350)
Electric: Average (250)

Activation Requirements: Archane Lore: 160, Viamontian
Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 400
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
