Throne of Destiny (expansion)
From Drunkapedia

July 2005
Turbine Announcements
The movie introduction to Throne of Destiny that comes on the game CD. It explains the story behind how the Viamontians came to Dereth.
<youtube v="YEsqpH-j_g4" />
Lore Articles
- A Primer on Halaetan Geography
- Assassination
- Discovery
- Sanamar Under Siege
- The Armor of the Viamontian Invaders
- The Execution
- The Fall of the Fiun
- The Invasion of Ispar
- The Malika and the Individual
- The Origins and Current Disposition of Viamont
- The Ruschk
- The Tournament Part I
- The Tournament Part II
- The Tournament Part III
- The Viamontian Knight
Town Crier Rumors
Viamontian Town Criers
Rumor 1
Rumor 2
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 1
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 2
Mainland Town Criers
Rumor 1
Rumor 2
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 1
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 2
Ulgrim Rumors
Rumor 1
Rumor 2
You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 1
You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 2
New Quests
- Augmentation Gems
- The Beacon Quest
- Brewmaster Quest
- Chasing Oswald
- Dericost Ruin
- Eater Jaws
- Eleonora's Heart
- Fiun Spellcasting Gloves
- Fledgemaster's Tusk
- Halaetan Collector
- Healing Machine
- Knights of Karlun
- Lorca Sammel's Necklace
- Marauder's Lair
- Penguin Eggs
- Red Bull of Sanamar
- Ruschk Challenger
- Snow Lilies
- Thrungus Hovels
- Thrungus Reaper
- Trade Alliance Quest
- Zaikhal Defender
New NPCs
New Locations
New Items
- A letter from the heart
- A letter to Alean the Steel Forger
- A letter to Jibril ibn Rashid
- A letter to Koga Hideki
- A Message from Scorus
- Abayar's Research Notes
- Abhorrent Eater Jaw
- Academy Exit Token
- Academy Library Key
- Acolyte Herren's Chest
- Acolyte Herren's Key
- Aluvian Leg
- Amber Ape
- Amber Ape Brew
- Amber Barley
- Amber Fermented Brew
- Amber Wort
- An Alliance of Merchants
- An Old Chest
- Ancient Discoveries
- Angree's Angry Ale
- Archmage's Endurance
- Argentate Pigmentation Apparatus
- Armoredillo Key
- Aromatic Amber Ale
- Aromatic Amber Wort
- Aromatic Dark Brew
- Aromatic Dark Wort
- Aromatic Finished Wort
- Aromatic Lager
- Aromatic Stout
- Arrogant Penguin Beak
- Asheron's Benediction
- Atramentous Pigmentation Apparatus
- Augmented Ice Shard
- Aurulent Key
- Bag of Life Stone Chips
- Beacon
- Beacon Gem
- Black Pages of Salt and Ash
- Blackmoor's Favor
- Blacksmithing Chest Key
- Blacksmithing Supplies
- Blank Augmentation Gem
- Bleeargh's Fortitude
- Blood Gem of Rikt Zir
- Blue Blood Gem Fragment
- Bobo's Stout
- Bobo's Stout Brew
- Book of Xik Minru
- Bracelet of Passage
- Brew Kettle
- Brewmaster's Back Cover
- Brewmaster's Bible
- Brewmaster's Front Cover
- Brewmaster's Pages
- Brewmaster's Spine
- Brown Hops
- Burning Coal
- Butterscotch Suckling
- Castle Pietrus Log Book
- Caustic Enhancement
- Cave Penguin Cake
- Cave Penguin Egg
- Celdiseth's Essence
- Champion of Silyun Token
- Charmed Smith
- Chest
- Ciandra's Essence
- Ciandra's Fortune
- Clutch of the Miser
- Corcima Castle Platinum Ward Portal Gem
- Corpse (Lugian Ice Tunnels)
- Corpse (Ruschk Icehold)
- Cove Apple Wine
- Critical Protection
- Crumpled Note
- Crystal Shard Sample
- Dark Fermented Brew
- Dark Wort
- Dericost Ruin Door
- Dericost Ruin Key
- Dericost Tome
- Dispatch to Captain Balanchi
- Dispatch to General Corcima
- Distasteful Amber Ale
- Distasteful Amber Brew
- Distasteful Amber Wort
- Distasteful Dark Brew
- Distasteful Dark Wort
- Distasteful Fermented Brew
- Distasteful Finished Brew
- Distasteful Finished Wort
- Distasteful Lager
- Distasteful Stout
- Dried Yeast
- Elder Spirits Seal Fragment
- Elder Spirits Tablet
- Eleonora's Heart
- Eleonora's Note
- Empty Bottles
- Empty Dye Pot
- Empty Stopped Keg
- Enduring Calm
- Enduring Enchantment
- Engorged Eater Jaw
- Engorged Scourge Token
- Enhancement of the Arrow Turner
- Enhancement of the Blade Turner
- Enhancement of the Mace Turner
- Fermented Brew
- Fiery Enhancement
- Final Metal Scraps
- Fine Leather Straps
- Finished Amber Wort
- Finished Dark Wort
- Finished Wort
- Fiun Hatchet
- Fiun Healing Machine
- Fledgemaster's Tusk
- Fleshy Lump
- Flightless Death
- Forgotten Chasm
- Friend of Sanamar Token
- Friend of Silyun Token
- Frozen Library
- Full Brew Kettle
- Geowulf's Journal
- Gharu'ndim Arm
- Giant Mushrooms
- Glorious Amber Ale
- Glorious Amber Brew
- Glorious Apple
- Glorious Dark Brew
- Glorious Fermented Brew
- Glorious Lager
- Glorious Stout
- Gold Niffis Tentacle
- Gold Remoran Eggs
- Gold Shallows Shredder Fin
- Gonjoku Den Trade Agreement
- Gonjoku Den Trade Proposal
- Gonjoku's Mana Infusion
- Grand Mother's Medallion
- Grazer Bug
- Great Cave Penguin Egg
- Great Frost Tree
- Green Blood Gem Fragment
- Green Hops
- Guide to Chat
- Guide to Healing
- Half-Digested Virindi Mask
- Healing Machine Base
- Healing Machine Hook
- Healing Machine Hooked Base
- Healing Machine Orb
- Healing Machine Pedestal
- Healing Machine Recipe
- Hero of Sanamar Token
- Hero of Silyun Token
- Hidden City
- Homemade Amber Ale
- Homemade Lager
- Homemade Stout
- Humid Hovel
- Ice Log
- Icy Enhancement
- Identification Plate
- Incomplete Brewmaster's Bible
- Incomplete Journal - Pages 1-2
- Incomplete Journal - Pages 1-3
- Innate Renewal
- Insatiable Eater Jaw
- Intercepted Note
- Iron Door (Small Empyrean Vault)
- Jibril's Essence
- Journal of High Archon Kraest
- K'nath Lair
- K'nath Lair Portal
- Keg of Amber Ape
- Keg of Angree's Angry Ale
- Keg of Aromatic Amber Ale
- Keg of Aromatic Stout
- Keg of Bobo's Stout
- Keg of Distasteful Amber Ale
- Keg of Distasteful Lager
- Keg of Distasteful Stout
- Keg of Glorious Lager
- Keg of Glorious Stout
- Keg of Homemade Amber Ale
- Keg of Homemade Lager
- Keg of Homemade Stout
- Keg of Nasty Lager
- Keg of Rancid Ale
- Keg of Tasty Amber Ale
- Keg of Tasty Lager
- Keg of Tasty Stout
- Keg of Tusker Pus
- Keg of Tusker Spit Ale
- Koga's Essence
- Koihoatai Fragment
- Large Blood Gem Fragment
- Last Known Location of Muldaveus
- Lavuhn
- Lavus
- Leathworking Chest Key
- Letter From Home (Gharu'ndim)
- Letter From Home (Viamontian)
- Liquid Yeast
- Lo Raen's List of Tasks
- Lorca Sammel's Necklace
- Lubziklan al-Laq Trade Proposal
- Lubziklan al-Luq Trade Agreement
- Maddened Fiun Heart
- Marauder's Jaw
- Medallion of the Red Bull
- Messenger's Journal
- Might of the Seventh Mule
- Moist Hovel
- Mossy Herb
- Mukkir Nest Portal Gem
- Nasty Lager
- Nearly Complete Brewmaster's Bible
- Note to a Generous Host
- Note To Alvirre
- Old Lascare's Journal
- Olthoi Larvae Steak
- Olthoi Ripper Spine
- Olthoi Slayer Carapace
- Oswald's Enhancement
- Oswald's Prison Journal
- Page from a Journal
- Parfarrail Fragment
- Partial Elder Spirits Tablet
- Penguin Beak
- Penguin Den
- Penguin Wing
- Perennial Botched Dye
- Perfect Ice Shard
- Plain Barley
- Plain Barley
- Platinum Legion Door Key
- Platinum Legion Quartermaster's Chest
- Platinum Legion Quartermaster's Key
- Polar Pummeler Plaque
- Polar Pummeler Token
- Pool of Glacial Water
- Prison Warden's Chest
- Prison Warden's Key
- Prison Warden's Orders
- Protection Orb
- Purified Ice Log
- Putrid Fermented Brew
- Putrid Tusker Spit Brew
- Quick Learner
- Rancid Ale
- Rancid Fermented Brew
- Rancid Yeast
- Rand's Brewmaster's Bible
- Ravenous Eater Jaw
- Red Blood Gem Fragment
- Reinforced Ice Shard
- Reinforcement of the Lugians
- Remote Empyrean Vault
- Renald the Eldest Refusal
- Renald the Eldest Trade Proposal
- Renald's Old Mug
- Restoring the Training Academies
- Ring of Karlun
- Ring of the Rossu Morta
- Ring of the Summoning Adepts
- Ring of the Whispering Blade
- Roasted Barley
- Royal Blood
- Ruined Hops
- Ruins of Geth Tukora
- Runic Skull
- Ruschk Camp Sightings
- Ruschk Fire
- Ruschk Head
- Ruschk Iceberg
- Ruschk Iceberg Key
- Ruschk Scalp
- Ruschk Totem
- Ruschk Totem
- Ruschk Trials
- Rusty Lugian Axe
- Salvaged Satin
- Sdolin Buk!
- Seven Habits of Effective Adventurers
- Shadow of the Seventh Mule
- Shadow Shard Sample
- Shard of Corcima's Armor
- Sho Brain
- Shonossoar Fragment
- Silyun Portal Gem
- Siraluun's Blessing
- Sketch of a Viamontian
- Small Empyrean Key
- Small Empyrean Vault
- Smoldering Ice Log
- Snow Flake Charm
- Snow Lilly
- Spoiled Barley
- Spoiled Fermented Brew
- Spoiled Finished Brew
- Spoiled Finished Wort
- Spoiled Wort
- Steadfast Will
- Steaming Hovel
- Stolen Amulet
- Stolen Bracelet
- Stolen Brew Kettle
- Stolen Ewer
- Stolen Frying Pan
- Stolen Necklace
- Stolen Platter
- Stolen Ring
- Storm's Enhancement
- Story of Lunnum's Pyre
- Strathelar Pennant
- Sultry Hovel
- Sweet Wort
- Tasty Amber Ale
- Tasty Amber Brew
- Tasty Amber Wort
- Tasty Dark Brew
- Tasty Dark Wort
- Tasty Fermented Brew
- Tasty Finished Wort
- Tasty Lager
- Tasty Stout
- Testament of Sir Coretto
- The Beacon
- The Fiun Healing Machine
- The Grael Rebellion
- The Great Machine
- The Song of Grael
- The Thrungus - Part I
- The Thrungus - Part II
- The Thrungus - Part III
- The Thrungus - Part IV
- The Viamontian Conflict
- Thief's List
- Thrungus Hovel Locations
- Thrungus Reaper Certificate
- Tihn
- Tome on the Metallurgy and Crafting of Shadow Armors
- Torture Chamber Key
- Trade Contacts
- Translated Elder Spirits Tablet
- Treasure Chest (Training Academy)
- Tumerok Record Book
- Tursh Scalp
- Tusker Pus
- Tusker Spit
- Tusker Spit Ale
- Tusker Spit Brew
- Ultra Green Hops
- Undead Temple
- Untranslated Grael Rebellion
- Varette's Orders
- Vestibule Lock
- Viamontian Guardian Bracelet
- Viamontian Pennant
- Viamontian Pennant
- Viamontian Reconnaissance
- Viamontian Torso
- Vibrant Green Hops
- Voracious Eater Jaw
- Water of Statis
- Yoshi's Essence
New Titles
New Creatures
Known Issues
- Amber Barley - This barley has a nice amber color. It can be used to produced [sic] a fine amber ale.