Town Founder

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Town Founder
Level: ??
Type: Solo
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

  • This quest flags you for access to the Tree Portal in Candeth Keep.

Walk Through

  1. From Wai Jhou, head to the tent at 62.3S 51.4W and speak with the three NPCs, Aun Teverea (cloth), Caelis Renning (metal & wood), and Kreavon (gem).
  2. To complete the quest, you must give the three of them a combined total of 100 partial bags of salvage. Each NPC only accepts a certain type of salvage.
    • Note: A partial bag of salvage is defined as a bag that has at least 1 Unit of salvaged material in it. Thus you loot and salvage evrything since one of them will accept it.
    • Example: You could give 50 bags to one, 25 to another and 25 to the last one.
  3. Continue collecting and handing bags until you receive a Candeth Keep Stamp, which indicates you're now flagged for the Tree Portal in Candeth Keep.
  4. Optional: Continue to hand bags of salvage to the appropriate NPCs until you give each of them 100 partial bags of salvage. You will receive a Title and a Hat for each NPC that you give the full amount to:



Candeth Keep Stamp Miner's Hat Timberman's Hat Trapper's Hat

Retired Items

Miner Title Token Timberman Title Token Trapper Title Token


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Speaking with Caelis Renning
Caelis Renning tells you, "Hail friend, my name is Caelis. The Aluvian, Sho, and Gharun'dim peoples united under Queen Elyssa have joined together to form the Isparian third of the new alliance."
Caelis Renning tells you, "We are assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the continued upkeep of Candeth Keep. I will accept all types of salvaged metal and wood that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, poor or priceless, your donations will be treated equally."

Handing in bags of salvage (1-99)
Caelis Renning tells you, "Thank you friend. Keep up the good work. In my journies, I have found that banderlings hoard many types of weapons suitable for salvaging."

Caelis Renning tells you, "You are off to a very good start. Yet, building materials are in short supply, please continue to bring me what you can. Keeping the town in good condition requires a constant supply of wood planks and metal hardware."

Caelis Renning tells you, "Ah, more materials for the stronghold. Do you find all of this overland, or are you one of those heroes that takes up residence in some dark dungeon?"

Caelis Renning tells you, "You have given me one-half the wood and metal materials that I would ask of you. The residents of the stronghold shall know you by your name and your deeds."

Caelis Renning tells you, "Many good people like yourself are bringing cartloads of raw metals and wood. Candeth Keep can be well maintained with these materials. Your efforts will be rewarded."

Caelis Renning tells you, "You have given much to help the alliance. More materials are still needed, but rest assured you have donated the bulk of the quota set forth by the alliance council."

Caelis Renning tells you, "The storehouses are beginning to fill with the materials you and the others have generously given to the cause. We now have enough materials to make another delivery to Candeth Keep, but we will surely need more to maintain our stronghold."

Handing in 100 bags of salvage
Caelis Renning tells you, "Friend, your hard work has paid off. You have given the most that can be donated by any one member."
Caelis Renning tells you, "You will be welcomed in Candeth Keep as a co-founder. Your efforts in providing the necessary metals and lumber will prove to be a valuable investment in time."
Caelis Renning tells you, "If you would like to be known as a skilled timberman, return this token to me."
Caelis Renning gives you Timberman Title Token.
Caelis Renning tells you, "Take this hat, it is a tradition to wear it when practicing your craft."
Caelis Renning gives you Timberman's Hat.

You give Caelis Renning Timberman Title Token.
Caelis Renning tells you, "You have proven yourself to be a skilled Timberman, sure enough."

Speaking with Aun Teverea
Aun Teverea tells you, "Hello Isparian, my name is Aun Teverea. All Tumeroks in the xuta of Aun Hareltah have been invited to join the new alliance."
Aun Teverea tells you, "We are assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the continued upkeep of Candeth Keep, the South Direlands stronghold. I will accept all types of cloth and hide that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, your donations will be treated equally."

Handing in bags of salvage (1-99)
Aun Teverea tells you, "Thank you friend. It takes many skins to build the tents and lean-to's we Tumeroks use in Candeth Keep."

Aun Teverea tells you, "You are off to a very good start. Yet, building materials are still in short supply. Please continue to bring me what you can/ If only Wharu had a salvageable hide..."

Aun Teverea tells you, "Ah, more materials for the stronghold. The reedshark, the armoredillo, and even the auroch have provided us the resources needed to survive in these harsh lands."

Aun Teverea tells you, "You have given me one-half the hide and cloth materials that I would ask of you. The residents of Candeth Keep shall know you by your name and your deeds."

Aun Teverea tells you, "Tell Many of the hide and cloth materials you have donated are now being cut and prepared for transport to Candeth Keep. With the harsh conditions and powerful creatures in the South Dires they can always use the new material supplies. Your efforts shall be rewarded."

Aun Teverea tells you, "You have given much to help the alliance. More materials are still needed, but rest assured you have donated the bulk of the quota set forth by the alliance council."

Aun Teverea tells you, "The storehouses are beginning to fill with the materials you and the others have generously given to the cause. We now have enough materials to make another delivery to Candeth Keep, but we will surely need more to maintain our stronghold."

Handing in 100 bags of salvage
Aun Teverea tells you, "Friend, your hard work has paid off. You have given the most that can be donated by any one member."
Aun Teverea tells you, "You will be welcomed in Candeth Keep as a co-founder. Your donations of cloth and animal hide will not go unrewarded."
Aun Teverea tells you, "If you would like to be known as a skilled trapper, return this token to me."
Aun Teverea gives you Trapper Title Token.
Aun Teverea tells you, "Take this animal for your head. It keeps you warm on cold nights of hunting."
Aun Teverea gives you Trapper's Hat.

You give Aun Teverea Trapper Title Token.
Aun Teverea tells you, "You should be proud not so many are skilled Trappers like you."

Speaking with Kreavon
Kreavon tells you, "Well met Isparian. I am Kreavon, a Linvak Lugian and also a member of the new alliance. All Lugians loyal to Lord Kresovus are sworn members of the alliance."
Kreavon tells you, "We are assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the continued upkeep of Candeth Keep, the South Direlands stronghold. I will accept all types of salvaged stone and gem that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, your donations will be treated equally."

Handing in bags of salvage (1-99)
Kreavon tells you, "This is a good start friend. The Lugian planners continue work on the walls of Candeth Keep and the upkeep of the town. We need to supply them with a continuing supply of materials."

Kreavon tells you, "You are off to a very good start. Yet, materials are still in short supply. Please continue to bring me what you can. Rock or gem, all materials are needed for Candeth Keep."

Kreavon tells you, "This is a fine haul, friend. I have found my renegade brethren in the underground mines keep gemstone weaponry close at hand. Seems like they must be mining more than Chorizite down there, eh?"

Kreavon tells you, "You have given me one-half the stone and gem materials that I would ask of you. The residents of Candeth Keep shall know you by your name and your deeds."

Kreavon tells you, "Lugian, Tumerok, and Isparian -- all working together. I never thought I would see the day. But we have unified in our common goal to build Candeth Keep and make it a foothold in the South Dires."

Kreavon tells you, "You have given much to help the alliance. More materials are still needed, but rest assured you have donated the bulk of the quota set forth by the alliance council."

Kreavon tells you, "The storehouses are beginning to fill with the materials you and the others have generously given to the cause. We now have enough materials to make another delivery to Candeth Keep, but we will surely need more to maintain our stronghold."

Handing in 100 bags of salvage
Kreavon tells you, "Friend, your hard work has paid off. You have given the most that can be donated by any one member."
Kreavon tells you, "You will be welcomed in Candeth Keep as a co-founder. Your donations of mineral and gemstone will be most beneficial to the continued work on the stronghold. I am sure that those who have given of themselves will be rewarded in time."
Kreavon tells you, "If you would like to be known as a skilled miner, return this token to me."
Kreavon gives you Miner Title Token.
Kreavon tells you, "If you're going to be mining you should have the proper headgear. Take this hat and wear it to keep your small skull from being crushed."
Kreavon gives you Miner's Hat.

You give Kreavon Miner Title Token.
Kreavon tells you, "You are off on a wonderful adventure of stone."

(Any of the three can give the stamp, it depends solely on the total number of bags given to the three in total.)

Kreavon tells you, "You have given one-half the resources of which the alliance is seeking from each member. It is people like you who will be considered the true founders of Candeth Keep. The alliance has allocated a symbolic gift for all of those who show dedication to the project."
Kreavon gives you Candeth Keep Stamp.

Retired Text

Receiving the salvage hats after the A Swelling Tide event
Town Crier tells you, "I spent all month gathering minerals for Kreavon in Wei jhou. I stopped by the outpost this morning before coming here and he rewarded me with an odd hat."

You give Kreavon [salvage].
Kreavon tells you, "Didn't you get a hard hat? You can't be mining with that fragile skull of yours without some head protection. Take this and be sure to wear it when you are mining."
Kreavon gives you Miner's Hat.

You give Caelis Renning [salvage].
Caelis Renning tells you, "What's that? You say you didn't receive the traditional timberman's hat? Well you better take this one then. Make sure you wear it when practicing your craft, it's traditional."
Caelis Renning gives you Timberman's Hat.

You give Aun Teverea [salvage].
Aun Teverea tells you, "Where's your animal hat? You really should be more careful with your furs. You think the animals would misplace their fur? Here have this one for your own, but don't lose it."
Aun Teverea gives you Trapper's Hat.

Caelis Renning tells you, "Hail friend, my name is Caelis. The Aluvian, Sho, and Gharun'dim peoples united under Queen Elyssa have joined together to form the Isparian third of the new alliance."
Caelis Renning tells you, "We have been assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the new stronghold, Candeth Keep. Construction has already begun on Candeth Keep in the southern Direlands desert! I will accept all types of salvaged metal and wood that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, poor or priceless, your donations will be treated equally."

Aun Teverea tells you, "Hello Isparian, my name is Aun Teverea. All Tumeroks in the xuta of Aun Hareltah have been invited to join the new alliance."
Aun Teverea tells you, "We have been assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the new stronghold, Candeth Keep. Construction has already begun on Candeth Keep in the southern Direlands desert! I will accept all types of salvaged cloth and hide that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, poor or priceless, your donations will be treated equally."

Kreavon tells you, "Well met Isparian. I am Kreavon, a Linvak Lugian and also a member of the new alliance. All Lugians loyal to Lord Krevesous are sworn members of the alliance."
Kreavon tells you, "We have been assigned to this outpost near Wai Jhou, to collect building materials for the new stronghold, Candeth Keep. Construction has already begun on Candeth Keep in the southern Direlands desert! I will accept all types of salvaged stone and gem that you can afford to donate to the cause. Large or small, poor or priceless, your donations will be treated equally."
