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Gameplay topics

Allegiances - Combat - Crafting - Fellowships - Game Mechanics - Hobbies - Housing

Magic - Player Factions - Player Versus Player - Trading - Travelling


Non-player character vendors

Player character vendors

Secure Trade

Secure Trade allows players to exchange items in a fair and organized manner without fear of theft. Trades can be initiated by double clicking a player or by dragging items to another player when the "Drag Item to Player Opens Trades" option has been enabled.

For further information, see: Details of Secure Trade

The Marketplace

Main article: Marketplace

Trade bots

See also: Buff Bot, Portal Bot, Combat Macro, Plugins

Trade bots are automated player characters run by Decal scripting programs that allow them to sell their wares to other players via the Secure Trade panel. Trade Bots are most commonly found in the Marketplace. On Darktide, where tradebots would be killed if they operated in the marketplace, they instead operate safely from behind their housing barrier.

The trade channel

The global Trade chat channel is for advertising your items and arranging in-game trades with other players.

For further information on chat channels, see: Chat Interface

Trade values by server


Click image for full size.

See also

Update history

The Madness of Men

  • The trade panel now remains open when your trading partner closes theirs. In addition, you will also receive the message "The trade has been canceled". This was added to prevent people from closing the window in the hope that their trading partner will accidentally hand them an item or drop an item on the ground.

Throne of Destiny