User:An Adventurer/Guides/Quest Journal/XP030 Kill Tasks

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<LABE> XP030
<TITL> KT - Deathcap Thrungus
<NOTE> Task:	25 Deathcap Thrungus		NPC:	Jiang Li in Westwatch		Location(s):	Lotila Island (the island where Westwatch is located)		Reward:	250,000xp
<DAYS> 13
<HOUR> 0
<MINU> 0
<LOCX> -73.300000
<LOCY> 72.700000
<TIME> 0.000000

<LABE> XP030
<TITL> KT - Hea Windreaves
<NOTE> Task:	25 Hea Windreaves		NPC:	Susana du Loc in Redspire		Location(s):	Marae Lassel landscape		Reward:	360,000xp
<DAYS> 13
<HOUR> 0
<MINU> 0
<LOCX> -83.200000
<LOCY> 40.700000
<TIME> 0.000000

<LABE> XP030
<TITL> KT - Tusker Guards
<NOTE> Task:	500 Tusker Guards		NPC:	Shoichi in Lin		Location(s):	Black Spawn Dens (20+)	* Ayan Baqur BSD (56.6S, 86.0W)	* Fort Tethana BSD (13.6N, 79.8W)	* Obsidian 

Plains BSD (60.0S, 57.7W)	Tusker Barracks ( 0.3S, 90.8E, 40+)		Reward:	20,000,000xp 
<DAYS> 13
<HOUR> 0
<MINU> 0
<LOCX> 72.900000
<LOCY> -54.400000
<TIME> 0.000000