User:Dr Doom/Guides/Leveling for Fun and Profit

So you want to level up a new character, have fun and make money in the process? Follow along with us, this is how we do it (written by Dr Doom HG, and tested by Wand of Chaos HG).
Let's start out with some goals.
- Goal number one, have fun. If you're not having fun, what's the point?
- Goal number two, level up - this goal goes hand in hand with goal number one. Leveling is fun. Being stuck at the same level for a long time, not so fun.
- Goal number three, obtain gear, items and MMDs.
We're going to assume that:
- You have high-level buffs available, such as from a buff bot or a friend. If not, you're probably not going to be able to follow this guide.
- You are wearing a Pathwarden Trinket and that it is active.
- You have some sort of housing so that you can put the stuff you get into storage. If you do not have a house, then you can 'mule' your items to a second character. Do not try and carry everything you get on your one character, you will become burdened and die more easily.
- You actively kill enemies, loot corpses, pick up select items off of corpses and you have enough pack space to hold said items.
- If you want to do any crafting, you pick up all crafting items and crafting-training items such as Gromnie Teeth and Siraluun Claws.
- If you want to do any tinkering you pick up and process salvage.
- You check weapons and armor on corpses as you go and actively upgrade your gear.
- You keep up on supplies such as mana stones/charges, spell components, fletching supplies, etc.
- You spend your experience points to raise your stats and your skills in an efficient manner as you go.
- You train skills that will help you be effective, and you get Item Enchantment at some point so you can use portal spells.
- Start by creating your character and exiting the training dungeon (either do the training dungeon or just skip it altogether).
- Once outside, give your Pathwarden Token to the Pathwarden NPC and get all of the gear out of the chest.
- If you are a mage, wear the robe and the gauntlets (and the helm if your robe doesn't have a cowl).
- All other characters should wear the armor.
- Make sure you equip the Pathwarden Trinket. If you are unable to activate it, then put it on after you are buffed.
- Turn the rest of the Pathwarden gear that you are not using back to the Pathwarden NPC.
- Buy some Health, Stamina and/or Mana potions from one of the local healers.
- If your character is a mage or archer, you'll need to get supplied.
- Mages should buy level 2 war spells (arcs may be best since they go over obstacles, do the same damage as bolts, and travel almost as fast as streaks). Also buy Heal Self II and Stamina to Mana Self II, or you may want to go with Drain Health Other I and Drain Stamina Other I. Don't forget to buy some Iron Scarabs and some more Prismatic Tapers.
- Archers should buy blunt and armor piercing bundles of arrowheads, and some bundles of arrowshafts (quarrels if xbow, atlatl dartshafts if thrown).
- You will also need a weapon:
- A rended, non-weild requirement weapon is best. Bludgeon, Slashing or Critical Strike rends will be most effective.
- Surprisingly, the Explorer weapons are great starter weapons because they all have Biting Strike. The wiki currently does not reflect this for many of the weapons, and the Explorer wands has not been verified yet.
- For Unarmed, Thrown and Two-handed characters a better bet may be the weapons you get from doing the Frest Greevling's Haunted Mansion quest. These also have Biting Strike or Crushing Blow. You will be getting other weapons later, but for now if you have at least Biting Strike (or Crushing Blow) on a weapon you are ahead of the game.
- Make sure you use your Blackmoor's Favor gem at the start and after you die each time.
- Go and use a Buffbot to get level 7 spells, or ask your friendly neighborhood mage to buff you. If you don't know how to use a Buffbot, just tell them 'help'. Make sure you keep an eye on your buffs and get rebuffed as needed.
Standard Actions
- Kill enemies as you go through the quests. You don't have to kill everything, but you should be killing at least some of them. Certain dungeons are easy to just run all the way through - this can be more fun but less profitable.
- Loot as you go:
- Many armor pieces you loot will be worth a lot of pyreal. Also head, feet and hand clothing is generally worth a lot (even non-magical clothing). An item is worth picking up if the value of the item is at least ten-times the burden of the item. For example, if a breastplate weighs 1000 burden, then it should be worth at least 10,000 pyreal.
- Also watch for special drop items. For example when first starting out pick up all items such as Lucky Gold Letters, Coalesced Mana and Phyntos Wasp Wings. These types of items can earn you extra experience points or assist you in quests. This walk through does not include turning-in any of these items for experience but feel free to do so.
- Keep three special items in reserve for the Assassin's Roost Quest. These items are Drudge Charms, Mud Golem Hearts and Green Phyntos Wasp Wings. Drudges are plentiful so don't worry about charms as much, but if you see any Mud Golems or Green Phyntos Wasps as you travel, make sure that you always kill and loot them. Note: if you are killing a Sludge Lord, always kill the Mud Golems around it first or you will not be able to loot them.
Starting Out: Leveling to 10
- The first quests you do are not important, you just need to get to at least level 10. There are many Starter Quests that you can do, but I suggest Lorca Sammel's Missing Necklace, The Beacon Quest and Alfrin's Stolen Supplies, since these are quick, easy and give you the needed experience points.
Facility Hub
Once you are level 10 you can go to the Facility Hub. Follow the Facility Hub Quests/Tasks by Efficiency page for a good guide, and refer back to the Facility Hub Quests page for details and links to the quests. Some tips:
- You don't have to do every quest with every character. You can get all of the items ahead of time with a different character (some need Ivory salvage added) and just turn-them-in on each character to level up. When you combine the turn-ins with the Tusks and Pincers you are able to get to the next section of the Facility Hub. If you decide to go the turn-in route, some quests you will need to do regardless:
- Always do Dagger of Tikola - once you know the route it's a fast run through the dungeon and you need the shard of metal in the final chest on each character for Bur flagging anyway.
- Do Mines of Colier if you are a crafting character (cooking, lockpick, alchemy or fletching) - there is a stone at the end of this dungeon that you will want to collect for the Crafting Golems quest.
- For Tibri's Fire Spear - you don't have to collect the spear with each person, but go through the portal and hand it to Tibri with each character.
- Always do Lilitha's Bow - there is a good chance you will find a Contact Instructions in Hunter's Leap when you do this quest, so do it with every character. The enemies are also great experience and drop valuable gear, and there are three chests that spawn items at the end. If you have lockpick there are two more chests guarded by a Lich and a Lich Lord that you can reach after the room with the three chests and the broken bow. If you are an archer character, the bow is great at 110% and Biting Strike. If not you can turn in the bow after the Hub reward for even more experience.
- Always do Mi Krau-Li's Jitte - you have to do this with each character since the turn-in item isn't ivoryable, but for mace characters this weapon (especially the remastered version) is a must-have.
- Always do Mountain Sewer - make sure each character goes down and gets a portal gem for Bur flagging. See Asheron's Departure Lower for details.
- For Branith's Stolen Possessions - Branith's Staff from this quest has Biting Strike so it's good for starter mages.
- For Haunted Mansion - the reward weapons have either Biting Strike or Crushing Blow, so are good for starter two-handers, unarmed and thrown weapon characters. The housing item Evil Couch is also located here.
Leveling to 40 and then 45
- If you haven't reached level 40 by this point, here are some quests you can run to get there:
- If you found a Contact Instructions in Hunter's Leap it is a good time to do it. If you didn't find one, then you can camp Hunter's Leap to get one - it doesn't take long to get one to drop.
- The Simulacra Infiltrators quest now grants up to 7 million experience points. But don't turn in the last shard until you have to - save it for use at 44 to get you to 45.
- This is a good time to finish Asheron's Departure Lower, the turn-ins will give you a few million experience points.
- These quests won't level you much, but they are fun and you end up with some great items:
- Elysa's Favor Quest - this quest's reward ring grants 1 minor spell and +15 health, plus it's a fun quest. Also if you're wearing the Baron's necklace for +15 health, you'll want to free up your necklace slot by switching to this ring.
- Individual weapon quests - Sword of Lost Light, Silifi of Crimson Night, Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte, etc.
- Ulgrim's Casting Stein is a fast and easy quest which grants you a stein with Stamina to Mana - very handy if you are a non-mage and buffing your armor.
- If you are doing any crafting there are a number of quests you can do regularly to up your skills. See Category:Crafting Quest for a list of quests.
- Also if you are crafting then the Focusing Stone is invaluable. You can solo this quest if you have the lockpick skill and there is an item for the Crafting Golems quest there.
- If you want some interesting items for your house, check out Arcane Pedestal Quest, Font of Jojii, and Horn of Vigilance Quest.
- Important: if you haven't yet made a Master Mage run to buy some death items, save up about 600k pyreal and go buy some Massive Mana Charges.
Repeatable Quests
Regularly do the following repeatable quests:
- Tusker Tusks (every 6 days)
- Olthoi Pincers (6 days)
- Eater Jaws (6 days)
- Ritual of the Blight (6 days)
- Moarsmen on the Shores (6 days)
- Southern Shroud Cabal (6 days)
- Northern Shroud Cabal (6 days)
- Olthoi Chasm (13 days)
- Monthly Game Hunter (20 hours after turn-in)
- Monthly Explorer Society Quests (timers vary)
Many of the below quests are also repeatable - do them as you are able.
Level 46: Beyond the Facility Hub
You should now be at least level 46 after turning in the Blackmore Lore item. Some quests which will help you on your way:
- Hunting Aun Ralirea (skill credit)
- Nuhmudira's Boon Quest grants you a +15 Magic Defense necklace.
- Hunter Quest (Tusker Guards) grants you 20 million experience points.
- Hunter Quest (Coral Golems) instantly repeatable and a chance to get a decent shield
- Whispering Blade or Ordina Rossu Morta faction quests can be started if you like.
- Caulnalain Vestibule Quest has an increased experience reward.
- Camp for keys in Umbral Hall.
- Good quest for Shadow Armor too.
Level 50
- Enrico's Betrayal
- Sword of Frozen Fury Quest
- Inner Sea Gear Knight Resistance Camp (7 repeatable quests at this location)
- Menhir Mana Fields
Level 55
- You can now use the reward items from Frore if you are interested.
- Fort Tethana Tug of War
Level 60
Level 70
- Sanguinary Aegis Quest if you carry a shield. If not, keep in mind one of the other Magic Absorbing item quests.
- Portal Space Research
- Machinist's Gloves Quest for crafters
- Crystalline Crag (4 quests at this location, 3 repeatable)
- Decrepit Tower Quest
Level 75
Level 80
- Hunter Quest (Floesharks)
- Hidden Entrance Quest
- Soul Hunter Quest
- Aerbax's Prodigal Tumerok
- Paradox-touched Valley Tent (5 quests)
- Drudge Aviator
- The Feud of the Natural Philosophers
- Fiun Healing Machine Quest
- Tanada House of Storms Quest (and other Tanada quests)
- The Moars
Level 90
- Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest
- Chasing Oswald (skill credit)
Level 100
- Power Forges
- Blood Gem of Rikt Zir Quest
- Counterfeit Writ for tinkers
- Shattered Out-Lands - Rylane di Cinghalle's Task
- Torgash's Tasks
- Balor's Rescue
- Crypt of Adhorix Quest
- Hunter Quest (Grave Rats)
- Hunter Quest (Tukora Lieutenants)
- Lunnum's Pyre
- Rebel Hideout Quest
- Shield of Yanshi Quest
- Sword of Bellenesse
Personal Leveling Test
I put the above leveling guide to the test, and below are my results. I ran every quest in order and recorded my level, experience and MMD notes gained. I killed a fair amount of the critters in each quest, but in most cases not every mob in the place. I looted the high-value items off of the corpses, as many as I could without becoming overburdened. I sold those items and bought only MMDs and supplies to keep questing. I also turned-in any experience items (wasp wings, hides, etc.) to collectors as I found them. Your mileage may vary.
- Undead character wearing Pathwarden Trinket, and until level 35 a Pathwarden Robe
- Stats: Coordination 100, Quickness 100, Focus 100
- Specialized Skills: Crossbow, Melee Defense, Magic Defense
- Trained Skills: Alchemy (innate), Healing, Fletching
- Skills obtained while leveling: Arcane Lore, Lockpick, Item Enchantment
Level, Quest, Turn-ins and Total XP (random trophy turn-ins not listed):
- 10 after Starter Quests: 110,857 xp
- 13 after Ice Tachi / Ivory Crafter: 226,990 xp
- 15 after Dagger of Tikola / Old Nectar / Ancient Shard of Metal: 428,752 xp and 1 MMD
- 17 after Glenden Wood Dungeon / Alloy Tool: 627,080 xp and 2 MMDs
- 19 after Green Mire Grave: 1,064,171 xp and 3 MMDs
- 21 after Colier Mine: 1,274,383 xp and 3 MMDs
- 21 after Halls of the Helm: 1,487,399 xp and 4 MMDs
- 22 after Tibri's Fire Spear: 1,884,704 and 4 MMDs
- 24 after Trothyr's Rest / two unlocked Small Mnemosynes: 2,285,910 xp and 5 MMDs
- 25 after Lilitha's Lost Bow / nine Coalesced Mana: 3,015,980 xp and 6 MMDs
- 26 after Fledgemaster's Tusk: 3,593,970 xp and 6 MMDs
- 27 after Mace of the Explorer: 4,187,866 xp and 6 MMDs
- 28 after Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte / two unlocked Tiny Mnemosynes: 4,897,093 xp and 7 MMDs
- 32 after Tusks up through Tusker Liberator (6 tusks): 7,899,528 xp and 7 MMDs
- 34 after Pincers up through Olthoi Worker (3 pincers): 10,226,055 xp and 7 MMDs
- 34 after Haunted Mansion: 11,217,173 xp and 7 MMDs
- 35 after Mountain Sewer / Inscribed Purple Gem: 12,580,123 xp and 7 MMDs
- 36 after Branith's Stolen Possessions: 13,701,608 xp and 8 MMDs
- 37 after Acid Axe / Ivory Crafter: 15,594,376 xp and 8 MMDs
- 38 after Fiery Weapons: 17,332,293 xp and 8 MMDs
- 39 after Jacob's Axe / one unlocked Small Mnemosyne: 19,180,686 xp and 9 MMDs
- 40 after Assassin's Roost Contact Instructions first part x2 (2 Skipping Stones): 21,281,495 xp and 9 MMDs
- 44 after Assassin's Roost Floor Puzzle: 31,681,825 xp and 9 MMDs
- 45 after Hammer of Lightning: 34,828,994 xp and 10 MMDs
- 45 after Crown of Bone: 37,931,473 xp and 10 MMDs
- 46 after Dryreach Rescue: 40,935,848 xp and 10 MMDs (Quest was bugged, Guard would not spawn, so I just turned in the ring from another character)
- 47 after Blackmire Lore: 46,135,847 xp and 10 MMDs (I just turned in the necklace from another character)
- At this point I'm just over 8 hours game time.
- 47 after Focusing Stone and Crafting Golems item collection: 46,397,404 xp and 10 MMDs
- 49 after Asheron's Departure Lower finale / 1 unlocked Large Mnemosyne: 51,018,496 xp and 10 MMDs (plus access to Bur and an Inactive Blank Golem)
- 50 after Simulacra Infiltrators: 58,687,946 xp and 10 MMDs (plus Item Enchantment)