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A complete autogenerated list of Categories can be found here.
General and Small Categories
- Category:Image
- Category:Artwork - Human generated art; in game artwork, Turbine, and fan.
- Category:Icon
- Category:Live Image - In game screen shots.
- Category:Map
- Category:Portaldat
- Category:Spawn Map
- Category:Splash Screen
- Category:Stats Panel
- Category:Symbol - Flags, symbols, standards, etc.
- Category:Teaser Image
- Category:Video - Pages with embedded video footage.
- Category:Retired - Refers to all things retired in game: quests, items, NPCs, and so on.
- Category:Seasonal - Refers to all creatures, NPCs, items, quests, and so on that are only available once a year.
- Category:Reference - This is a broad, catch-all category for articles that are primarily informational and do not fit into any existing category.
- Category:Column - Catchall category for opinion articles, informational articles, or any other material that is primarily by a single individual.
Turbine Categories
Wiki Categories
- Category:Page Template
- Category:Wiki Template - Component templates comprise parts of page templates.
- Category:Help
- Category:Stub - Brief article in need of expansion.
- Category:In Progress - Incomplete articles currently being written.
- Category:Update - Articles that will likely change in the near future and will need to be updated later on.
- Category:Disambiguation - A list of disambiguation pages on
"Armor" Category (includes clothing)
- Category:Armor
- Category:Clothing (Under clothing such as pants, shirts and raiments)
- Category:Foot Armor
- Category:Hand Armor (includes all hand gear including long gauntlets and "Arm Guard" items)
- Category:Head Armor (includes all head gear that isn't a mask)
- Category:Lower Body Armor (Anything that Covers Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, or any Combination of those)
- Category:Masks & Guises
- Category:Robe (Pieces of armor that cover a majority of the body, sometimes not covering head, hands, or feet)
- Category:Shield
- Category:Tattoo
- Category:Upper Body Armor (Anything that covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, or any combination of those. Also any Cuirass or Coat that includes Abdomen)
- Category:Loot Armor Type
- Category:Unwieldable & Creature or NPC only Equipment
"Consumable Item" Category
- Category:Consumable Item
- Category:Food (Example: Rations, beers)
- Category:Gem (Example: craftable Alchemy gems, dispel gems)
- Category:Healing Kit
- Category:Key
- Category:Mana Stone
- Category:Portal Gem (Includes anything that summons a portal or casts a recall on the player, regardless of whether or not it is a "gem")
- Category:Potion (All health/stam/mana potions and dispel potions)
- Category:Scroll
- Category:Spell Component
"Crafting" Category
"Item" Category (not exclusive)
- Category:Item
- Category:Augmentation
- Category:Container - All non chest/pack containers that can hold other objects.
- Category:Chest - Generally a chest will contain loot/quest rewards.
- Category:Pack - For player wieldable pack like containers.
- Category:Currency
- Category:Housing Item
- Category:Item Set - Items that provide bonus spells when worn together.
- Category:Magic Item
- Category:Object
- Category:Pack Doll
- Category:Pet
- Category:Rare
- Category:Trophy
- Category:Unwieldable & Creature or NPC only Equipment
"Jewelry" Category
"Location" Category
- Category:Location
"Lore" Category
- Category:Lore
- Category:Internet Lore Article
- Category:Text
- Category:Empyrean Ruin Type
- Category:Lore Database Entry
"NPC" Category
"Special Property" Category:
- Category:Armor Cleaving
- Category:Armor Rending
- Category:Attuned
- Category:Biting Strike
- Category:Bonded
- Category:Cast on Strike
- Category:Crippling Blow
- Category:Critical Strike
- Category:Crushing Blow
- Category:Destroyed on Death
- Category:Dropped on Death
- Category:Dyeable
- Category:Hollow
- Category:Ivoryable
- Category:Magic Absorbing
- Category:Multi-Strike
- Category:Rending
- Category:Resistance Cleaving
- Category:Retained
- Category:Slayer
- Category:Unenchantable
"Spell" Category
- Category:Spell
- Category:Spell List - List of all spells of a particular type (stacking and override info)
- Category:Spell Words
- Category:Creature Enchantment Spell
- Category:Item Enchantment Spell
- Category:Life Magic Spell
- Category:War Magic Spell
- Category:Unlearnable Castable Spell
- Category:Hooked Item Spell
- Category:Monster Only Spell
- Category:Quest Spell
- Category:Cantrip
"Weapon" Category
"Creature Type" Category
- Category:Creature Type
- Category:Acid Elemental
- Category:Armoredillo
- Category:Auroch
- Category:Banderling
- Category:Burun
- Category:Carenzi
- Category:Chicken
- Category:Chittick
- Category:Cow
- Category:Crystal
- Category:Doll
- Category:Drudge
- Category:Eater
- Category:Elemental
- Category:Fire Elemental
- Category:Fiun
- Category:Frost Elemental
- Category:Ghost
- Category:Golem
- Category:Gotrok Lugian
- Category:Grievver
- Category:Gromnie
- Category:Hollow Minion
- Category:Human
- Category:Idol
- Category:Knathtead
- Category:Lightning Elemental
- Category:Lugian
- Category:Margul
- Category:Marionette
- Category:Mattekar
- Category:Misc. Creature Class
- Aerbax
- Apparition
- Food
- Harvest
- Hopeslayer
- Touched
- Unknown
- Category:Mite
- Category:Moar
- Category:Moarsman
- Category:Monouga
- Category:Mosswart
- Category:Mukkir
- Category:Niffis
- Category:No Class
- Category:Olthoi
- Category:Paradox Olthoi
- Category:Penguin
- Category:Phyntos Wasp
- Category:Rat
- Category:Reedshark
- Category:Ruschk
- Category:Scarecrow
- Category:Sclavus
- Category:Shadow
- Category:Shallows Shark
- Category:Shreth
- Category:Simulacrum
- Category:Siraluun
- Category:Skeleton
- Category:Slithis
- Category:Snowman
- Category:Statue
- Category:Target
- Category:Thrungus
- Category:Tumerok
- Category:Tusker
- Category:Undead
- Category:Ursuin
- Category:Viamontian Knight
- Category:Virindi
- Category:Wisp
- Category:Zefir
Non Class but Creature Related:
Last Edit: Friday, March 14 2025