User:Taomagicdragon/Guides/Society Guide/Chapter 6: Degar'Alesh (Freebooter Isle)

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Previous: Chapter 5: Advancement Next: Chapter 7: Nyr'leha (Moarsman City)

Chapter 6: Degar'Alesh (Freebooter Isle)

Section 1 - Getting There
Section 2 - Spawn
Section 3 - Quests
Section 4 - Rare Spawns

Section 1 - Getting There

This island can be accessed by two different Statue of Transports. One is in the Society Stronghold behind you at the drop, but only usable by Masters, the second one is by Ithaenc Cathedral at 82.6s 88.8e but can only by used by Knights, Lords, and Masters.

Section 2 - Spawn

The spawn here drops tier 7 loot and some are even Luminance Creatures, worth Luminance when killed. What to use is fairly straightforward:

• Moars. Moarsmen, and Sclavus: Cold/Slash/Pierce - All around the Island
• Humans: Any Elemental Type - All around the Island
• Phyntos Wasps: Slash/Bludge - All around the Island
• Niffis: Acid/Bludge/Slash - All around the Island - Group Loot flag (meaning it drops a lot)
• Slithis - Slash/Bludge - Surrounding the Dead Deru Tree Just North of the drop and around the surface
• Knathtead - Slash/Bludge/Pierce - Only around the Southeastern canyon of the Island with exposed ley-lines below Freebooter Keep.

Section 3 - Quests

In addition to the tasks, there are a couple quests you can do.

Moarsmen Jail-Break
Timer - 20 hours
Rewards - 7,000 Luminance, XP, and a Mana Forge Key
Reqs - Freebooter Access

Head to the Moarsman Jail at 56.4s 96.9e and speak to Avarin. He'll give you 4 Killtasks:

• Large Ardent Moarsman
• Large Blessed Moarsman
• Large Verdant Moarsman
• 20 Moarsmen (any) inside the prison

Speak to Gate Warden Kris and he'll open the door for you to get inside. Head down into a large open room, each block hosts a type of Moarsman with their leader in it. I will go around the room in a counter-clockwise motion and list which door leads to which block.

• Door 0 - Drop
• Door 1 - Verdant Block, Large Verdant spawns on the ground floor
• Door 2 - Blessed Block, Large Blessed spawns on the upper level (stick left to get there)
• Door 3 - Some Blesseds
• Door 4 - Ardent Block, Large Ardent spawns on the upper level (stick right to get there)
• Door 5 - Some Ardents

When finished, head back through door 0 and speak to Gate Warden Kris to get out. Speak to Avarin for your rewards (xp for all 4 tasks, plus a Mana Forge Key for killing all 3 bosses).

Mana-Infused Jungle Flowers Alternate Turn-In
Timer - None
Rewards - 15 mill xp
Reqs - Freebooter Access

At the Freebooter drop, at the South side of the temple, is an NPC named Jusad the Collector. Simply collect 10 Mana-Infused Jungle Flowers and give them to him for xp.

Empyrean Portal-Space Stabilizer: 180
Timer - 20 hours
Rewards - 5% xp towards the next level, capping at 200 and an Empyreal Portalspace Stabilizer (house decoration)
Reqs - Freebooter Access

Speak to the Emissary of Asheron in Neydisa Castle at 69.6n 17.6e then head to Freebooter and run to An Empyrean Device at 60.0s 98.4e. Kill 30 of the virindi around the device then use it to obtain a Brightly Glowing Data Crystal. Return the crystal to the emissary to finish up.

Killer Phyntos Hive Tasks
Timer - 20 hours per task
Rewards - See each task below
Reqs - Freebooter Access

In the East Wing of your stronghold you'll find 3 NPC's in Society Armour standing around a table. Each one gives you a task to do involving the Killer Phyntos Wasps. All of the tasks can be completed at the Killer Phyntos Royal Hive at 63.0s 97.5e. Tasks 3-5 have the same NPC (the one who asks for items).

Task 1 - Phyntos Larvae Killtask - 4 Society Tokens, 20 Society Ribbons, 15 mill xp
Simply kill 20 Larvae, they spawn at the bottom of the Killer Phyntos Royal Hive in the Larvae Rooms.

Task 2 - Phyntos Wasp Killtask - 4 Society Tokens, 25 Society Ribbons, 50 mill xp
Kill 50 of the Killer Phyntos Swarms, Drones, or Soldiers throughout the Royal Hive or on the Surface surrounding small killable Killer Phyntos Hives on the surface of Freebooter. It is important to note that only the Soldiers drop top-tier loot.

Task 3 - Phyntos Queen - 4 Society Tokens, 25 Society Ribbons, 50 mill xp
At the bottom of the Royal Hive is the queen, kill her, loot her abdomen, and bring it to the collector to receive your reward. The Queen drops top-tier loot as well.

Task 4 - Phyntos Honey - 4 Society Tokens, 15 Society Ribbons, 25 mill xp
All of the wasps, minus the larvae, have a 10% drop rate of honey. Bring 10 them to the collector to receive your reward.

Task 5 - Phyntos Hive Splinters - 4 Society Tokens, 15 Society Ribbons, 15 mill xp
Around the Royal Hive(and around Freebooter) are 5 killable Killer Phyntos Hives, they look like trees and are guarded by Killer Phyntos Swarms. When you destroy a hive it drops a splinter, collect 10 of them and bring them to the collector for your reward.

Task 6 - Damaged Ribbons
Throughout the hive (and around it on the surface), you may find a corpse of a society agent (an NPC-item that goes away after 5 minutes). Use it to receive a damaged ribbon. You can bring this ribbon (no matter what society it says it's from) to your Commendations Officer in the South Wing of your stronghold to receive a fresh ribbon of your society. You can do this up to 25 times per 3 day period. Basically 25 "free" ribbons. You may also find regular corpses that drop top-tier loot.

Directions to the bottom of the Killer Phyntos Royal Hive

~Level 1~ (Start)
S (Down Ramp)

~Level 2~
S (Down Ramp)

~Level 3~
S (down Ramp)

~Level 4~
S (Down Ramp)

~Level 5~
S (Down Ramp)

~Level 6~
S (Down Ramp)

~Level 7~ (Bottom Level)
E (Larvae Room 1) (Queen Room)


W (Larvae Room 2)

Empyrean Rescue
Timer – 20 hours
Rewards – 35,000 Luminance, xp, 3-pull Legendary Key, and the Empyrean Over-robe
Reqs - Freebooter Access

To begin, speak with the Emissary of Asheron at 24.4n 48.3e near Cragstone then head to Freebooter Isle. Once there, run to 54.0s 97.6Ee and enter a cave (this'll be the second cave in the water you come to, not the first) then stick right to a portal and head in.

Once everyone is inside, buffed, and carrying weapons suitable for Virindi, Gear Knights, and Simulacrum (Pierce works good on all of these), stick left until you reach the first boss, an Apostate Nexus Master, and dispose of him to loot one of the many Dark Apostate Shards it drops. Once everyone has one, give it to the Emissary to receive a Glowing Apostate Shard (that will last for 60 minutes) and, once more, head to Freebooter then back to the cave and, again, stick right to the portal.

Now you must search this dungeon for some swirling portal energies that'll look like purple bubbles/mini-portals floating in an erratic pattern. These will spawn randomly in place of normal spawn, so you may need to clear the tunnels, and do not show on the radar. When you find one, make sure your group is with you then have someone use their Glowing Apostate Shard to generate a red portal that'll last for a short while. Make sure everyone gets in.

In this part of the dungeon you'll have to stick right until you hit a down-ramp. After this down-ramp, you'll want to continue to the right but avoid the first ramp up you find (if you hit it, simply turn around and keep sticking right) as it'll bring you back to the beginning. Continue sticking right after ignoring that up-ramp until you reach the end chamber with the second boss, an Apostate Nexus Guardian. Defeat it and a white portal will spawn (ignore the two surface portals) that everyone must enter.

In this part of the dungeon you will immediately come to a door that is magic-immune and requires Melee or Missile damage to destroy. Once it's down, head across a bridge (this will trigger some spell traps that'll deal small amounts of damage if they connect with you) and, carefully move down the hallway but stop before the end (where the hallway turns to the right) as that corner is where the Arcane Pyramids of Death stop.

This hallway of death features two pyramids that fly down the hallway at high-speeds and deal heavy piercing magical damage if they hit you. These two pyramids spawn at random intervals and takes timing and a bit of chance to navigate through. The goal is to make it through the hallway to the many nooks along the hallway that you can safely duck into. To make this easier, you can wield a Magic Absorbing item, wear some Peirce-proof armour, or even use a Duelist’s Jewel to lessen the damage. Sometimes the pyramids can become invisible (if the image collides with something but the spell itself does not) so be careful, though the problem goes away quickly.

After the hallway, you must stick left through a dungeon featuring a few Skeletons in addition to the previous types faced as well as an Undead Commander. These are incredibly difficult and require someone to debuff its strength, coordination, and UA skill as, like the first boss of Saving Asheron, it hits incredibly hard but has a low attack skill, making it prone to debuffs. Follow along, to the left, and you'll find, on your right, a large, open room with Wailing Statues spitting out daggers that will deal some minor damage to you if they hit you. At the end of the room is a door that, like the first door you encountered in this section, is magic-immune. Take it down and continue on breaking down Rock Walls as you go (sticking left) until you reach a ledge with a large chamber below you. This is the final room.

Jump down and kill the two spawn nearby (a random spawn will be in each corner of the room). This may draw a large pod of creatures in the middle of the room, defeat them too. After you clear the pod in the middle, make sure everyone is at the wall you all jumped down into, away from the middle. Sometimes the pod will respawn, other times it'll progress to the final waves:

Wave I – 4 Undead Commanders
The best way to handle this one is to have one person, with a melee wand, debuff the strength, coordination, and UA skill of all 4 mobs while everyone else heals that person. If the debuffer can manage, jumping on top of the commanders will ensure that they stay locked on them and will be unable to harm them. Once that is done, take them down as you would any undead. Defeating this wave kicks off a 20 minute timer that you must beat the quest in (or have to repeat the waves).

Wave II – Normal Spawn + 1 Commander
Sometimes, this wave is skipped.

Wave III – Mages
Two bosses will spawn; a Filinuvekta Heiromancer and Exarch. Defeat them both and if they die before the 20 minutes is up, you can move to the final wave. If you fail, you will be back to Wave I.

Wave IV – Engorged Bloodstone
Be careful as it can deal heavy lightning damage, use bludgeoning or piercing damage to take it down. Make sure it dies away from the center, closer to the side you dropped down to, to avoid a mass-wipe due to Wave I spawning too close while looting the corpse.

Now, take the Engorged Bloodstone Shard to the Emissary for your rewards as well as seeing some newly-returned empyreans. Make sure you wait at least 1 minute after all the empyrean portal away before handing in your item to prevent it from bugging on you (sometimes an empyrean will stay, those this has no bearing on getting your reward or not and should be harmless).

Section 4 - Rare Spawns

There are a couple rare creatures that, when killed, drop a trophy that you can hand in to the Collector in the South Wing of your stronghold for some rewards. There is no timer on turn-in. Below is a listing of them:

• Giant Blessed Moarsman (Moarsman, weak to Slash and Cold) - Bane of the Blessed title - xp - Mana Forge Key
• Tchk'Tain the Tender (Sclavus, weak to Cold) - Defender of the Deru title - xp - Mana Forge Key
• T'thuun Sclavus Huntmaster (Sclavus, weak to Cold) - Drops a Mana Forge Key directly (Spawns with Trained Great Devourers)

That's it for Freebooter! You may have noticed I didn't mention anything about Freebooter Keep or the quest inside its Black Market. Those will be covered in Chapter 8.

Previous: Chapter 5: Advancement Next: Chapter 7: Nyr'leha (Moarsman City)