User:Taomagicdragon/Guides/Society Guide/Chapter 7: Nyr'leha (Moarsman City)

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Chapter 7: Nyr'leha (Moarsman City)

Section 1 - Getting There

There are 2 ways to access this island: A Statue of Transport at the stronghold drop (behind you) but can only be used by Masters and the statues that are East (87.9s 54.5w, during the day) or West (87.9s 55.9w, during the night) of the Nyr'leha Gateway Temple, run from Candeth Keep, can be used my Lords and Masters.

Section 2 - Spawn

The creatures here drop top-tier loot, Pristine Mana Shards, and some are even Luminance Creatures, worth Luminance when killed. They can be killed with the following weapons:

• Moarsmen, Blighted Moarsmen - Slash and Cold
• Sclavus - Cold, Peirce, and Slash
• Slithis - Slash and Bludge
• Golems - Acid or Bludge, Cold on the magma varieties, the Coral Golems do not drop top-tier loot
• Shallowsharks - Slash

Section 3 - Quests

There are a couple quests on this Island that take place wholly on this island.

Defense of the Fort - Part 1
Timer - 3 days
Rewards - 4 Society Tokens, 25 Society Ribbons, 50 mill xp
Reqs - Moarsman City access

There are 3 small forts on this island belonging to each society and guarded by a number of soldiers that won't attack you if you're a part of their society (unless you strike them first):

Celestial Hand Fort: 92.1s 50.3w
Radiant Blood Fort: 93.6s 51.8w
Eldrytch Web Fort: 91.4s 53.8w

When you speak to the Fort Commander the quest will start. 5 Reinforcement Soldiers will spawn (they are friendly) and then waves of Sclavus and Moarsman Attackers will come to attack you and the fort. If all 5 Reinforcement Soldiers die, you lose. You'll see this message when one dies:

One of our brethren has fallen! We must hold our lines! (Lost One)
Our losses are too great, I must report in. (lose all 5 - Defeated)

If you finish with at least one Reinforcement Soldier alive then you win! Talk to the Fort Commander for your rewards. The best way to do it is fight inside the fort (so the soldiers in the fort can fight, their dying doesn't impact the result of the quest) and target one of the Reinforcement soldiers; watch his health and attack anything that attacks him to keep him alive.

If you lose, you'll need to log out or leave to allow the fort to reset. If you win you must also log out or leave to allow the fort to reset so that you can do the next quest.

Defense of the Fort - Part 2
Timer - 3 days
Rewards - 4 Society Tokens, 25 Society Ribbons, 50 mill xp
Reqs - Must have completed Part 1 and speak to the Commander before 3 days are up to receive this task.

Run to each opposing society's fort and kill the Society Soldiers (melees). One of them will signal the following message:

One of our brethren has fallen! We must hold our lines!

A Key will spawn on the ground where the soldier died. Use it to unlock that fort's door and pick up one of their supply boxes. Repeat this for the other opposing fort and return both packages to your Fort Commander to receive your rewards. If you have Lockpick, you can simply unlock the door (using the back door makes it easy to dodge attacks).

Blight-Encrusted Back Coral Turn-In
Timer - None
Rewards - 15 mill xp
Reqs - Moarsman City Access

At the Moarsman City drop is an NPC named Devon the Collector. Pick up 10 Blight-encrusted Black Corals that spawn around the island and give them to him for some xp.

Forgotten Tunnels of Nyr'leha
Timer – 13 days
Rewards – 15,000 Luminance, xp, 2-pull MFK, and the Shield of “Society Name”
Reqs – Moarsman City access

Note: Use this map as a reference as it can be confusing depending on the drop you take:

Once you're on Moarsman City, head to any of these locations to get into the quest dungeon (three different drops in the same dungeon):

92.9s 56.4w
93.1s 56.9w
93.6s 56.6w

Once inside, you will need to collect six keys from six guardians (two Golem Guardians, two Sclavus Guardians, and two Moarsman Guardians). Four of the keys (from the moarsmen and sclavi) will be used immediately to open up the inner chambers and pick up four crystals (two purple, two orange). The other two keys (from the golems) will be used after you have acquired all four crystals to open inner chambers housing levers. These levers, when both are used, will open up the catwalk chamber (head up the wooden ramp across from the inner-chamber with the lever in either golem room and perform a tap-foward jump without holding down the shift key nor the spacebar).

Once inside the catwalk chamber, you'll need to hand in the crystals to two devices, one to the North (orange) and one to the South (purple). These are accessed by tap-jumping across and back. Once that is done, you can jump into the swaths of tendrils below the catwalk and use the Energy Ring in the middle to receive one in your pack.

Head up the stairs back to the top of the catwalk and head out either West or East back to one of the three drops. If the doors are closed, you can recall out and simply run back to the dungeon. At each drop location are two doors that will open 5 minutes after the Energy Ring becomes useable. When they open, head up into a room with a lever (either door). Pull the lever and continue going up (ignore any down-ramps) until you reach an open room with a wooden ramp leading into a pit-chamber.

Once inside, jump down the pit until you reach the bottom. Continue on to the first boss, the Guardian of the Secret Keeper, a golem. Dispatch it with Acid and it'll open up the doors on either side of it. Continue on to the actual boss, an undead named The Secret Keeper. Defeat him and loot a Glimmering Shard.

Bring the shard to one of these NPC's to receive your rewards and shields which feature the highest bane-able AL for a quest shield combined with epics for every melee skill that uses a shield:

Jin Kyong - 92.1S, 50.3W (Celestial Hand)
Chun Hei - 91.4S 53.8W (Eldrytch Web)
Myung Hee - 93.6S 51.8W (Radiant Blood)

You can give the shields away or turn them back in for a little bit of xp.

Section 4 - Rare Spawns

There are a couple rare creatures that, when killed, drop a trophy that you can hand in to the Collector in the South Wing of your stronghold for some rewards. There is no timer on turn-in. Below is a listing of them:

• Moarsman Blight-Caller (Moarsman, weak to Slash and Cold) - Bane of the Blight title - xp - Mana Forge Key
• Tch'Keryk the Emissary (Sclavus, weak to Cold) - Negotiator title - xp - Mana Forge Key
• High Priestess of T'thuun (Human, weak to any element) - Drops a Mana Forge Key directly (spawns with Afessa Sclavus Guardians)

That is all for the island of Nyr'leha!

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