User talk:Sanddh

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Revision as of 13:17, 8 December 2008 by imported>Tlosk
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Thank you for all your contributions. Could you begin to use the current templates for items such as armor and trophies, and the updated table for quest entries? It will be less work if we do not have to go back and update them later. You can find these templates on the Page Templates page, listed under help on the side nav bar. Thank you. --An Adventurer 15:57, 3 November 2008 (CST)

If you want to continue using the tool, all of the templates are saved as individual text files in the Templates folder, just open with a text editor like notepad and replace the text with what you want to use then it will give you that instead when you use the tool (the program just grabs whatever's in the text files when it starts or when you click the Reload button). A lot of the templates have been updated since the last release and I'll be updating the included templates in the next release (working on getting all the VIII spells in now). --Tlosk 16:45, 3 November 2008 (CST)

The short answer is templates as a group are still a work in progress, some templates like those for Creatures and Weapons/Armor have gotten lots of attention and probably won't change much in the future. Other templates, like for food for example, don't yet have a template examplar and have been pretty much whatever the person posting wants to do. That's not to say we shouldn't have one, just that no one's made an exemplar and there hasn't been a discussion on what to include or not include. An Adventurer has done the most work on working up template exemplars. Some things, like in game shots you asked about are just an oversight and haven't been added to the template examples yet. And it's only fairly recently that we moved from a table format for most in game items to one that mirrors the in game ID panel with a bulleted notes section, so a lot of the older entries need to be reformatted.

There are a lot more people making significant contributions so it would be helpful if we can nail down most of the templates we might use so I'm going to move a copy of your question and these comments here and over the next few days you can help us make sure we got everything in the templates section that we might use in posting content (and then I can have a fully updated set of templates to include with the next wiki tool release).

To add more categories or change existing ones, go the folder containing the program and open Wiki Swiss Tool.ini with a text editor like Notepad. At the bottom are sections for each of the template buttons. Say you want to add a template for Key to the last button (20th counting from the start, left to right) here are the steps:

  1. Create a text file named Key.txt (can name it anything you want) and put it the Templates folder.
  2. Find the section headed [Template20] and change the first line to Path=Default Key.txt
  3. Change the color of the key if you want, use a six value hex RGB, see Color Chart#RGB Components.
  4. Change the name line, Name=Key
  5. The AlternatePath line is for if you want a different template to be accessed when you right click the button. For example you could make another text file with the template for Containers, save it as Container.txt in the Templates folder, then change the line to AlternatePath=Default Container.txt

--Tlosk 19:42, 3 November 2008 (CST)

Hi, you've been added to the sysops group because of the quantity and quality of your submissions. It makes a few things a little easier, like allowing you to make deletions, add external links without recaptchas, and to block users if you see vandalism. Additional tools are available at the bottom of Special:Special Pages. Thanks for all the hard work. --Tlosk 13:17, 8 December 2008 (CST)