Forum:Items, Quest Items and Trophies

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Forum:Items, Quest Items and Trophies

I recently moved all the entries that were in Category:Item to Category:Quest Item as that seemed to be a perfect subcategory for the type of item left in there.

The problem is, quest items dropped by creatures are using the trophy template. I was wondering if maybe we could define trophies, instead, as any item dropped by a creature which is not only used for quest purposes? That way Category:Trophy would contain more useful crafting and xp item drops.

Anyone see a problem with this?

Thanks --Arkalor 12:02, 21 July 2012 (EST)

Or, how about we just do away with the Trophy Template altogether and use the category tag instead as an item dropped by a creature could be any type of item, right?

You could say the same thing about the quest item template, but the majority of quest items are just unusable, attuned items with not many other properties.

(uh oh, talking to myself - first sign of madness) --Arkalor 12:04, 25 July 2012 (EST)

Re: first post:
I've always felt that trophy items should only be for non-quest items dropped by creatures. For example, a small reedshark hide is a trophy, an olthoi soldier pincer is a quest item. The problem is trophies and quest items are not this black and white. Are Ravener Guts a trophy because its a random drop that can be turned in to a collector for exp, or is in a quest item because of the comp bow quest? Are the ruined amulets strictly a quest item because they are only used for 2 quests, even though they are random drops from any monster of that type, and not from a specific creature at a specific location? What about the Creature Lords items?

So I think the solution would be to use whatever template works best for that item. A few examples:

  • Mutilator Pincer - This is clearly only a quest item, as it only drops from certain mutilators in one part of one dungeon, and its only use is to turn in to complete a quest.
  • The Queen's Head - This should probably use the Quest Item template, and not have the additional category of trophy. Its only use is for the queen quest, only dropped by one specific boss creature, and you can only turn it in to at the quest npc. Yes, its a body part, but when you look a the game mechanics it no different than, say, the Mark of the Overlord.
  • Olthoi Carapace - This could use either template and should probably have both categories. Its only dropped by a specific creature, but it is turned in to a regular trophy collecting NPC as you would with any other olthoi item. Plus, the item you get from it has the feel of a generic collector crafted item.
  • Olthoi Claw - This is clearly only a trophy item. Any Olthoi Soldier anywhere can drop it, and you turn it in a generic trophy collecting NPC.

Re: 2nd post:
I looked over Quest Item Template and Trophy Template. At a quick glance they are pretty much the same and I can see why you would want to merge them. The only noticeable difference is in the notes field and that the quest item template has an inscription variable. However, there is an important thing to note: In the actual wiki templates ({{Quest Item}} and {{Trophy}}), they have automatic categorization for category:quest item and category:trophy. One of the huge benefits of using templates is this auto-categorization. If the trophy template is removed, someone will need to go through all the pages that used that template and add the category by hand.

So, I say keep both page/wiki templates.

--An Adventurer 07:04, 27 July 2012 (EST)

Great answer and thanks for replying.

I was thinking just for the purposes of the wiki we could have trophies as items given in to any of the Collectors (like the Olthoi Claw you listed) regardless of if they have a quest use. And quest items are literally things just used as quest items (no use at all outside of the quest/s) regardless of whether they are dropped by creatures or not.

I think this is pretty much what you just said, but in a different way...but err yeah, definately not back or white and a tad confusing when we need to list trophies as quest items in a guide o_O.

I was going to add this note to the Trophy Template for clarity if you agree, and then clean up the trophy category as it's full of items like the Mutilator Pincer.


"Use this template for items dropped by creatures that can be given to Collectors. If the item is dropped by a specific creature and is only used as part of a Quest, use the Quest Item Template."

Thanks. --Arkalor 10:49, 27 July 2012 (EST)