Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith
From Drunkapedia
Introduced: | Release | Updated: | Disturbance in the Desert |
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- Route: see Uziz
- See Armorer, Blacksmith and Weaponsmith for other similar shopkeepers.
- Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.
- During the Disturbance in the Desert event, the townspeople of Uziz were captured, and can be found (as non-interactive "Objects") in the Virindi Edifice dungeon. The current NPCs in Uziz seem to be Simulacra. See also the Town Crier Rumors and the Release Fiction of this patch.
Item Price Budiaq 326 Throwing Club 620 Djarid 620 Kaskara 310 Katar 78 Khanjar 62 Nabut 279 Shamshir 372 Simi 248 Takuba 589 War Hammer 326
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115 Trade Note (500) 575 Trade Note (1,000) 1,150 Trade Note (5,000) 5,750 Trade Note (10,000) 11,500 Trade Note (50,000) 57,500 Trade Note (100,000) 115,000 Trade Note (150,000) 172,500 Trade Note (200,000) 230,000 Trade Note (250,000) 287,500
Lore & Dialog
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "Welcome! What is your desire this day?"
Buying From
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "That is an excellent item to purchase."
Selling To
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "You barter well, my friend."
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "I thank you for your interaction. I wish for you to return soon."
Opening (retired)
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "Welcome! What's your pleasure today?"
Buying From (retired)
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "An excellent purchase."
Selling To (retired)
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."
Closing (retired)
- Ulib ibn Ghunir the Weaponsmith tells you, "Thank you for your business. Please return soon."