Category talk:Points of Interest

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Looks good. The rat cave brought back some memories hehe, I spent like my first week of AC there fighting with a dagger I found (even though I didn't have dagger trained), hadn't figured out the skill system yet hehe. --Tlosk 17:22, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

added my first batch of POIs, the ones around Shoushi. Before I move on to other towns, what does everyone think of them? --An Adventurer 15:51, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

Sounds good.--Tlosk 07:19, 23 March 2008 (CDT)

I think we need a system for points of interest. First, I'd say a point of interest is any ruin, building, object, or static spawn of creatures on the landscape. Some examples: the empty portal gateway south of rithwic along the river that has brimstone-cap mushrooms growing around it. A lone stone statue or column. A static spawn of Mire Wasps in the blackmire. A fortress full of skeletons. A lone merchant out in the wilds.

POI listings will be really important for finding creatures, since there are some creatures that can only be camped for killtasks/trophies at POIs.

I think the only important thing we need to worry about is the name. I think every POI entry should start with the coords, and all coords need to be the same format. 00.0N, 00.0E. Always including .0s. Following coords would maybe be a dash and a brief description: 10.2N, 43.5W - Abandoned Building

Instead of hand creating a list or table I say just tag every entry with Point of Interest and make the point of interest page redirect to the category.

--An Adventurer 13:44, 22 March 2008 (CDT)