Bobo's Medicine

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Bobo's Medicine
Level: 80
Rec. Level: 125+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Jilna Fullgood
Starts At: 2.0N 95.6E in Oolatanga's Refuge
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Bobo's Medicine


Help stop Bobo feeling sick from the Death Blossom by bringing him some King's Crown Infusion.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Jilna will ask you to retrieve some more King's Crown from the base of a giant tree overlooking the Chapel of Xi Ru.
  2. Run west then north along the beach until you get to the Moarsmen Encampment at 88.6S 85.8E. From there, head south up the mountain all the way up to the Deru Tree of Xi Ru's Island at 89.8S 87.4E and take one of the King's Crown water lilies growing at the base of the tree.
  3. Take the King's Crown to Jilna Fullgood at 2.0N 95.6E in Oolatanga's Refuge on Aphus Lassel. She gives you the King's Crown Infusion.
  4. Give the King's Crown Infusion to Bobo, see The Legend of the Tusker Paw for details on reaching him.
    • Optional: Before heading to Bobo, pick a Jungle Orchid from outside the Tusker Lacuna dungeon at 9.9S, 90.7E. Various creatures (see Jungle Orchid) will spawn when you do, which will drop the trophy version. The orchid can be given to Kleeoh (2.5S 86.5E) for experience.

Dungeons & Maps

No quest dungeons.

See The Legend of the Tusker Paw for details on reaching Bobo.


Give the Infusion to King Bobo.
Experience: 148,617,928 (15% up to level 200)
Give the Jungle Orchid to Kleeoh.
Experience: 13,782,125 (10% up to level 120)


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Now that King Oolutanga is free of Mudmouth's hold I can treat him for the Jungle Orchid poison Mudmouth gave him. It's amazing he survived really. That much poison would have killed any normal Tusker. To create more of the potion he needs I'll need more King's Crown."

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "You can find the King's Crown water lily at the base of a giant tree overlooking the Chapel of Xi Ru on the last of the Vesayen Islands. Be careful, I hear it is protected by Moarsmen."

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Oh, if you are able to find and destroy Mudmouth, I have been honored by Oolutanga to reward you in exchange for any befouled treasures he may have wrought."
Showing a Jungle Orchid to Jilna Fullgood

You allow Jilna Fullgood to examine your Jungle Orchid.

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "It always amazes me how something so delicate and beautiful can also be so deadly."

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Take this to Kleeoh. She'll know what to do with it."
Handing in Jungle Orchid to Kleeoh

You give Kleeoh Jungle Orchid.

Kleeoh tells you, "Dis for Kleeoh? Dis be a beautiful flower, no?"

Kleeoh, pauses a moment and stares into you with her piercing dark eyes.

Kleeoh tells you, "Haha, you not here to do me evil. You want someting I think..."

Kleeoh smiles at you for a moment.

Kleeoh tells you, "You know about dis flower? Dis be a Death Blossom. Very beautiful, very dangerous!"

Kleeoh tells you, "You breath too much of its perfume and you go all weak like a baby. You no move for hours you so tired."

Kleeoh tells you, "Now, you fool enough to lick a petal and you be dead before your head touch ground. Very powerful poison!"

Kleeoh tells you, "Dat Mudmouth was usin dis flower to make da Tusker King sick."

Kleeoh tells you, "I hear Jilna be makin powerful maka to for him now."

Kleeoh tells you, "I have need of dis flower for my magics. I tink you will find dis fair payment."

Kleeoh holds up a palm with white powder and blows it into your eyes.

You've earned <10%> experience.
Handing in King's Crown to Jilna Fullgood

You give Jilna Fullgood King's Crown.

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Yes, this looks perfect."

Jilna places the white petals of the flower into a mortar and sprinkles a number of dried herbs over it. She then uses her pestle to grind the ingredients together and adds the resulting powder to a potion of blue liquid. The potion fizzes and its blue color swirls to a pearlescent white.

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Excellent, take this potion to Oolutanga and see that he drinks the whole thing."

Jilna Fullgood gives you King's Crown Infusion.
Handing in King's Crown Infusion to Oolutanga, the Tusker King

You give Oolutanga, the Tusker King King's Crown Infusion.

Oolutanga, the Tusker King tells you, "I Oolutanga thank you. It isn't easy to make decisions for the betterment of all tuskers when Oolutanga, who is me, is sleepy."

Oolutanga gurgles the potion down and a wide smile spreads across his face as he smacks his lips noisily. His eyes shine with a renewed brightness.

Oolutanga, the Tusker King tells you, "You who are not Oolutanga have done well for a non-tusker. I will show you how I make other Tuskers smart like me, Oolutanga."

Oolutanga leans forward and hits you on the head with his giant stone hand. You feel a flood of awareness spread from the lump he made.

You've earned <15%> experience.

Update History


  • Quest introduced.

Corrupted Sovereigns

  • Step for the Jungle Orchid is now optional and gives 10% pxp up to level 120 on hand-in to Kleooh.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days (Kings Crown) and 6 days (Jungle Orchid) to 20 hours.


  • When this quest was first introduced, a character had to first be flagged to pick up a King's Crown. This was achieved by speaking with Jilna Fullgood (originally located in the Tusker Emporium), who asked you to find a Jungle Orchid and then bring it to Kleeoh. Giving Kleeoh the Jungle Orchid (also known as Death Blossom) gave a hint on where to find a cure.

Oolutanga, the Tusker King tells you, "Oolutanga so tired..."

Mudmouth tells you, "Go and prove your valor to our King by beating his most valued warrior to a pulp."

Grunter tells you, "Hullo big-big. I here to tell you about lady trying to help Bobo. She and Tusker Redeemers hiding in Tusker Empro... Empromi... Enpor... volcano."

Grunter tells you, "Hurry big-big we need your help. Bobo sick and Mudmouth is BAD."

Grunter tells you, "Bobo used to teach me things. He say I his smart little fur-ball. Now Mudmouth won't let me talk to him. Please... help my friend Bobo."

Kleeoh tells you, "Dis for Kleeoh? Dis be a beautiful flower, no?

Kleeoh, pauses a moment and stares into you with her piercing dark eyes.

Kleeoh tells you, "Haha, you not here to do me evil. You want someting I think..."

Kleeoh smiles at you for a moment.

Kleeoh tells you, "You know about dis flower? Dis be a Death Blossom. Very beautiful, very dangerous!"

Kleeoh tells you, "You breath too much of it's perfume and you go all weak like a baby. You no move for hours you so tired."

Kleeoh tells you, "Now, you fool enough to lick a petal and you be dead before your head touch ground. Very powerful poison!"

Kleeoh tells you, "Travel to da Chapel of Xi Ru on the last Vesayen island. Dere overlookin da chapel above the waterfall be a huge tree all glowin with da power of life Kleeoh tells you, "You collect da water lily that grow by the base of dat tree. It be called King's Crown and be the only cure I know of for da Death Blossom sleep."

Kleeoh tells you, "Go now child. Bring da King's Crown back to Jilna. She know what to do.

You give Jilna Fullgood Kings Crown.

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Kleeoh says this will help Oolutanga?"

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Thank you! Oh, thank you! I can't wait to see that Mudmouth squirm when Oolutanga pounds him with his stone hand."

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "I think we can get some of this King's Crown into his next meal of mashed nanners. It may take several tries though. Mudmouth is very suspicious and trusts no one."

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "Take this as a reward for all your help."

You've earned 41,346,376 experience.

Jilna Fullgood tells you, "We may need more Kings Crown in the next few weeks if we fail to get this to Oolutanga. Perhaps you could gather more then. Thank you!"