AC2:Story Vignettes/Victory

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Wielding a potent spell from the Book of Eibhil, the Archons shatter Aerfalle's magical defenses. As they rejoice over their fallen foe, the Archons never notice her final, whispered incantaion as she slips into unconsciousness.

The Archons abruptly halt their celebrations as a shimmering portal opens near Aerfalle's crumpled form. A lone figure steps from the depths of portalspace: His Eternal Splendor, Geraine.

"You've grown in power, my Archons of the Way, but not in wisdom. You have listened to the Book's whispers and succumbed to its temptations. Now it has led you to this end: the students challenge the master, and the Book laughs at us all. There is nothing left but to settle this revolt. Shall we?"