Asheron's Call Throne of Destiny Manual/The Viamontian Heritage Group

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The Viamontian Heritage Group

From 07-18-2005

Love combat? Throw in a pinch of treachery and you've got a mix so volatile that even the bravest of the noble leaders become fearful. These traits characterize the new heritage race, available to players of Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny, the Viamontians. (See Heritage Group, p. 6.)

Welcome to the nation-in-exile of the Viamontian race! Corcosi Island is the southernmost (and safest) island, with only a fringe of ice on the northeast coast. Here is where you find Sanamar, the royal capital.

Northwest of Corcosi Island is Lotila Island. An outpost of knights has been established on the southwest shore of the island, as a western lookout.

North of Corcosi and Lotila is Traitor's Island, aptly named for its treacherous inhabitants. Enemies of the Viamontian king, along with other dangerous creatures, inhabit this island. On a plateau near the northwestern shore, the rebels have established the town of Silyun.

Vanguard Island is immediately east of Traitor's Island. Vanguard is the first sight that greeted the Viamontians when they stepped through the portal. It is an inhospitable island that is not well explored. There is a strange and dangerous valley leading to its northernmost reaches, called Shadow Pass. To the north of that pass is a settlement of Fiun, a race of creatures quite adept with magic.

The most dangerous of the islands in this chain is the Isle of Ruin, east of Vanguard Isle. A garrison of knights has established Eastwatch, a small outpost on its eastern shore. There is a terrible frozen valley at the northern head of the island, named the Shattered Out-Lands.

Southeast of Vanguard Isle is the Castle Corcima. It is a bleak and foreboding location that is home to General Corcima, the one who will someday lead the invasion against the mainland.