Broken Occultus Seal

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Introduced:  Ashes and Dust Related Quests:  Collegium Occultus Ring Quest
Broken Occultus Seal
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 100
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A broken seal bearing the sigil of Knorr's Collegium Occultus.


  • Received from Balior in the Collegium Occultus Anteroom.
  • Take the seal to Roderick in the Mite Maze.
  • Note that if you don't turn in this item and town crier it or otherwise lose it, you can never get flagged to get into the Collegium Occultus dungeon (which is part of the Gear Knight Parts quest also). Some players have been able to get their flag reset by an envoy so they can complete the quest. The flag is permanent (no need to repeat to get back into dungeon later).