Buadren Quest

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Buadren Quest
Level: 50
Type: Solo
Starts At: Danby's Outpost / Neydisa Castle
Repeat: None


  • Part of this quest involves crafting steps for some of the items. However, there is no skill check for these steps and therefore can be carried out by any character.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Kill Fire Shreths, and loot a Fire Shreth Hide.
  2. Use a Noodle Cutter on the hide to create Leather Straps.
  3. Kill Ebon Mattekars, and loot a Ebon Mattekar Hide.
  4. Hand the hide to Aun Tikakhe, and you'll recieve Tanning Oil. Use this oil on the hide to create a Tanned Mattekar Hide.
  5. Kill Mighty Oak Golems, and loot a Tree Trunk.
  6. Use a Whittling Knife to make it into a Hollowed-Out Tree Trunk.
  7. Combine the items: use the tanned hide on the trunk, then add the straps to create Wrapped Hollowed-Out Tree Trunk.
  8. Give the resulting Buadren to Aun Tikakhe so he can add the spell "Heart of Oak" and the Buadren can be weilded.

Upgrading the Buadren to an Invoker

See the Invoker quest for more details.

Dungeons & Maps

No quest dungeons.




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Opening Dialog

Aun Tikakhe tells you, "When Aulakhe first came and told me he was leaving Timaru, I knew I could not let him go alone. We have journeyed across the breadth of Dereth on our quest, and I have seen much that could be used to create semblances of the items we had back on Palenqual.
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "In the days since we have settled here, even more powerful spirits than before have pledged their aid in the creation of the Buadrens much like the one you see in my hands.
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "The great Aualuan Kenchaua has sent word from the mountains of the south that Ebon Mattekar pledged his hides to form Buadren's head.
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "Fire Shreth from the plains of the north has pledged his hides to form Buadren's sinews.
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "As we finally settled here, near the akiekie of Aula's new ani, Ispar Celdisethaua, Mighty Oak promised his limbs to form Buadren's body.
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "Once you assemble these three gifts, give the hide of Ebon Mattekar to me. I will inspect it for its imperfections--if it is perfect, I will give you a fragrant oil brought from Timaru to tan it into a supple drumskin. Tanae speed your hunt, friend."

Showing Ebon Mattekar Hide

You allow Aun Tikakhe to examine your Ebon Mattekar Hide
Tikakhe inspects the hide for any small imperfections and finds none
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "This hide will do nicely to create a drumhead for your buadren. Use this Tanning Oil on it to make it into a suitable leather. Once you complete your drum, give it to me and I will enjoin Mighty Oak to infuse it with his keh.
Aun Tikakhe gives you Tanning Oil.

Handing in Buadren

You give Aun Tikakhe Buadren
Tikakhe slowly turns the buadren over in his hands, inspecting every detail
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "The spirits of this land are indeed generous. I could not have made a better buadren myself. Wait one moment, while I invoke the keh of Mighty Oak.
Beating gently upon the buadren, Tikakhe slowly murmurs a prayer to the anima of his choosing. A quiet descends upon the forest, and the trees themselves bend to listen to Tikakhe's call. Abruptly, a soft glow permeates the drum, one that is gone as suddenly as it came
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "A last tale to tell before my work is done: I must tell you that this was merely a test, to prove to us that you are the warrior that we have journeyed from Palenqual to find. Aun Aulakhe's has undertaken a grave mission for our people, and we shall not return to our beloved Timaru until it is accomplished. Speak to him now--I will let him know that you have been chosen.
Aun Tikakhe pauses a moment to take you into his confidence
Aun Tikakhe tells you, "Although he is still young and untested, my heart believes Aulakhe is destined one day to become the most gifted of our Aulauan, surpassing even his father, Shimauri. You would do well to guard this buadren safely--there may come a time when Aulakhe may be able to enhance it once more.
Aun Tikakhe gives you Buadren.

Update History

Fever Dreams

  • Quest introduced.

Across the Vast Divide