Directions to the Drudge Hideout

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Introduced:  The Hall of the Tusker King (view version) Related Quests:  Alfrin's Stolen Supplies Updated:  A New Threat (view version), The Calm (current version), Master of Design (retired)
Directions to the Drudge Hideout
  • Value: 5
  • Burden: 5
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • This is a good adventure for someone who is newly arrived in Dereth.

Just outside of Holtburg, on the road that goes south -- at just about 41.4N 33.3E -- is a small ruin where some runaway drudges are hiding out. We don't bother them, and they don't normally bother us. But I hear that lately a bigger, bolder drudge boss has moved in, and he's has been leading the other drudges on raids against local farmsteads. No good can come of that.

I also have heard there are some pretty tasty treasure chests in there.


Update History

The Hall of the Tusker King

  • Introduced.

A New Threat

  • Icon changed from a generic parchment icon to a colored text icon, color coded for difficulty.

The Calm

  • Text updated to reflect the changes made to the dungeon.

Master of Design

  • Retired.