Exploration Society Token

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Introduced:  The Changing of the Ways Related Quests:  Exploration Society Letters, Tumerok War Taiaha Quest
Exploration Society Token
  • Value: 1
  • Burden: 150
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • An introductory token of the Dereth Exploration Society. Present this to Bach Lien at the southeast Rithwic Explorer Society Outpost.


You give Dai Ya the Scholar Stamped Samsur Lucky Gold Letter.

Dai Ya the Scholar tells you, "Thank you, you must have journeyed far to get here. You are a true Explorer!"

Dai Ya the Scholar gives you An Explorer Ring of Quickness.

Dai Ya the Scholar tells you, "We could use more explorers such as yourself here in the Society. Perhaps you could aid Bach Lien, a friend of mine? A few days ago, she wrote that she is investigating rumors of a war spear guarded by Tumeroks in the area near Dryreach. Fantastical story, I'm sure! But nonetheless, I daresay she could use the help. She's stationed in the Explorer Society Outpost on the road from Rithwic to Dryreach. Show her this token and she will know I sent you."

Dai Ya the Scholar gives you Exploration Society Token

Lord Aleval tells you, "Excellent! Now that you have proven yourself, perhaps you could help Bach Lien, who is monitoring Tumerok activities near Dryreach. A short time ago, Ardry, Bach Lien, and I captured an excursionary band of Tumerok scouts. They escaped, but not before telling us of a legendary spear enshrined in one of their caves nearby. She is now at the Explorer Society Outpost on the road between Rithwic and DryReach. This token will serve as an introduction."

Lord Aleval gives you Exploration Society Token

  • This token was unintentionally released, and was to be part of the Tumerok War Taiaha Quest which was still in development.
  • May be given to the unreleased NPC Bach Lien for an interaction:

You give Bach Lien Exploration Society Token.

Bach Lien tells you, "My requests for assistance has been heard! I have been here keeping an eye on Tumerok movements ever since Ardry, Aleval, and I captured a band of Tumerok scouts. We interrogated them for their dealings with the Virindi, but all they told us was a story of a legendary spear weilded by one of their reknowned heroes...Little did we realize that their babble was but a smokescreen before they attempted escape! We gave them chase, past the (Insert landmarks here), but lost them near the (landmark). I suspect the story was nothing but lies, but could I ask you to investigate this matter while I transcribe my fieldnotes? Let me know of anything you find."