Forum:New version of firefox(3.6.8) may be causing problems with monobook skin

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Forum:New version of firefox(3.6.8) may be causing problems with monobook skin

exactly what the title says, i see the side pane, and the top, but the main frame is blank. --Immortalbob 23:16, July 24, 2010 (UTC)

The issue is actually unrelated to Firefox. Wikia just started putting this tag class="content-ads" on all the actual page content. As a result if ad blocking is used the plugin will blank all actual content. People are upset at the trickery and it may be reversed, but for now the only way around this is to disable adblocking for the site when using Monobook. Depending on how Wikia responds, this may be a problem. --How often to wash makeup brushes? ,<a href=>wholesale mac makeup</a> ,, 11:27, July 26, 2010 (UTC)