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Related topics: Weenie Properties


Name Description
delay float, seconds
frame see STypePosition frame table
initCreate how many of this type to spawn when generator spawns
maxNum >= initCreate count, max number of this type allowed to be active at once
objcell_id object cell id, see STypePosition frame table
probability float, chance to spawn
ptid palette type id
shade float, always 0.0
slot slot int, sequential, for multiple generatorTable entries
stackSize stack size of object, -1 if non stackable
type wcid
whenCreate 1 or 2
whereCreate 1, 2, 4, 8, 32, 64, 68, 72


  • Shade > When in createlist for X, X, X, X > it is probability, 1.0 is 100% and 0.01 is 1% when it is in createlist as vendor item and/or worn item, the shade actually makes a difference based on the clothingBase of the weenie and dictates the color
  • Shade can also define an actual "shade" when in the createlist depending on its creates destination.