Gormling the Sneaky Seneschal

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Introduced:  Heroes' Respite Related Quests:  Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle
Gormling the Sneaky Seneschal
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Seneschal of Neydisa
Location 69.6N 17.6E in Neydisa Castle
Level 17
Strength 90
Endurance 50
Coordination 140
Quickness 140
Focus 160
Self 180
Health 25
Stamina 50
Mana 180


Portal in Holtburg

Lore & Dialog

Gormling the Sneaky Seneschal tells you, "Welcome to our humble castle. I am Gormling, Lady Tallial's seneschal. Take care not to cause too much trouble around here, hm?"