Larry the Rabbit Master

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Introduced:  The Changing of the Ways Related Quests:  Larry's Ruined Garden, Fuzzy Bunny Slayer Quest
Larry the Rabbit Master
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Farmer
Location 1.9N, 41.6E - Larry the Rabbit Master's Farm near Lytelthorpe
Level 29
Strength 125
Endurance 100
Coordination 95
Quickness 110
Focus 50
Self 55
Health 50
Stamina 100
Mana 55


Lore & Dialog

Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "My glorious garden! Ruined, it's ruined! It's those terrible rabbits!"
Larry wrings his hands.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "When they first showed up, I thought it would be simple to get rid of them. But nothing worked! I kept trying and trying -- I recruited every adventurer in Dereth to help me -- but they wouldn't go away! Then I gave up and left my little farm behind ... But farming's in my blood, you see, and I just can't let the rabbits win. So I came back. ... And do you know what I found? They've been breeding! There are more of them then ever!"
Larry shakes his fist..
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Go and see for yourself! See if you can do anything about those vermin, why don't you! Bring me back some sign that you killed one of the big ones and I'll make sure everyone knows your rabbit-killing prowess."
Larry sighs, wistfully.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "But I don't expect you can even make a dent. ... Oh, umm you think you might spare a pyreal? I can portal you into my garden for a pyreal. The cost of maintaining this farm would amaze you."

You give Larry the Rabbit Master Pyreal.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Thank you, friend. This will help tide me through these hard times. And please, clear the angry rabbits from my lovely garden and I'll be forever thankful."
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Just be careful, those critters know how to fight back!"

You give Larry the Rabbit Master Lucky Rabbit's Foot.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Ah, you got one of the big ones! That's one pesky rabbit that won't bother my lovely garden anymore!"
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "You are truly the master of bunnies! And everyone should know it!"
Larry grants you the title of Bunny Master.

You give Larry the Rabbit Master Purchasing Order.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Thank you, thank you! I just haven't been able to keep up with my finances since the rabbits came!"

You give Larry the Rabbit Master Pooky Token.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "What's this? A token for killing on of those despicable leaf munchers?"
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "You Sir, should be rewarded for your agricultural beneficence!"
Larry the Rabbit Master says, "You hear that you rabbits! We have a Fuzzy Bunny Slayer here! Better hop on out of here now or else!"

Retired Text

Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "I'm so upset! My subterranean garden has been invaded by rabbits of the like I have never seen before! They are hopping mad!!"
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "If you want to help me out, please get the purchase order from within my cottage and give it to me."
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "But I need to warn you, these are extraordinary bunnies with a bad attitude!"

You give Larry the Rabbit Master Purchasing Order.
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Please clear the angry rabbits from my lovely garden and I'll be forever thankful."
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Just be careful, those critters know how to fight back!"
Larry chuckles
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "If you're not back in 30 minutes I'm going to forget about you and look for someone else to help me...So you better jump to it!
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Welp, hippity-hop! I'm off to tend my glorious garden!"

Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "Those pesky rabbits won't bother my lovely garden anymore!"
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "You are truly the master of bunnies!"
Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "If you left something in my garden and wish to return, for a small donation I'll portal you back."