Microsoft Zone Archive/Player Chronicles/Leadership Potential

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Leadership Potential

By Rhiannon

I, Rhiannon of the Far Isles, a novice enchantress from faraway shores, came across a delightful happenstance the other day that I would share with my fellow travelers.

I was but newly arrived in the Aluvian town of Holtburg, and had only journeyed as far as the wandering peddlers that frame the outskirts of this fine town. I had found Holtburg to be a bustling center of activity, with hawkers, mages, and grocers eager to sell me their wares. One thing I had noticed was the large number of veterans offering to help my fellow novices with promises of currency, magic-craft, and equipment.

At first this warmed my heart greatly to see such charity, but I learned that there was a price when I decided to take one of these men up on his offer.

"Well, good sir, your generosity's most appreciated. A novice enchantress like myself would do well with a set of leather armor!"

"Aye, well..." he replied, "there is this matter of swearing allegiance to me in return."

"Oh, is there now?" I said in a huff. "Well there's a rose of a different blush then. I know not how it is with these others, but Rhiannon of the Far Isles chooses her friends carefully, and her liege lord doubly so, and I'll not sell my loyalties for a single suit of armor!"

Did I not mention that I've a bit of the temper on me? Aye, and a sharper tongue you'll unlikely find when my blood is hot. But this matter did not sit well with me. How could I be expected to swear allegiance to a man I barely knew? And yet, without his assistance, my fellow novices and I would be at a disadvantage. Was there no recourse?

And so I walked the streets of Holtburg, soul-weary and despondent, and came across a Gharu'ndim outlander named Ras standing by the lifestone and giving out small purses of pyreals. At first I dismissed him as yet another feudal lord offering rewards in return for allegiance; in fact, someone else did voice my thoughts.

"Let me guess," said the wag. "You're out looking for vassals, right?"

The outlander's response surprised me. "No, take this freely and without obligation," was his reply. "Allegiance is not a decision to be made lightly, and certainly not over a purseful of pyreals."

"Oh really?" the wag said, "I'm glad to see you're not some 'recruitment shark.'"

"Indeed," continued Ras, "to make a bond of allegiance without truly knowing one another is to do a disservice to both patron and vassal."

With this, the wag's tone and demeanor changed from cynicism to admiration. "Well spoken, Ras! Your sage advice and generosity have impressed me greatly."

In the twinkling of an eye, the novice disappeared, and in his place stood a proud warrior named Mack, bedecked in full armor and wielding an elemental blade of acid.

"Hail to you, Ras!" Mack proclaimed. "I was directed to you by some others of this world as a lord worthy of my mettle. Not having met you before, I determined to observe you in secret to test the veracity of these claims. I find you a generous and deserving lord, and I would swear my loyalty to you."

The remainder of their exchange was made in private, so I am not privy to all of its details, but in the end they emerged and Ras spoke, "Welcome, Mack, to the ranks of the Silver Citadel. May you make us proud with the greatness of your deeds."

This incident has restored my faith in the conduct of the veterans of Dereth. For those who might wonder, no, I have not sworn allegiance to any liege lord or lady. I have taken the Lord Ras' advice to heart, and will only do so after much consideration. This day has given me much to think about.

Until next we converse, I remain your humble servant,

--Rhiannon of the Far Isles
First-Circle Initiate, Enchantress
