Lieutenant Kenneth

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Introduced:  Crests of a Turbulent Sea Related Quests:  Tumerok Banners Quest
Lieutenant Kenneth
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Quartermaster
Location 25.8N, 49.1E in Cragstone
Level 33
Strength 180
Endurance 150
Coordination 170
Quickness 170
Focus 110
Self 110
Health 175
Stamina 300
Mana 170



Lieutenant Kenneth tells you, "Hello, my name is Kenneth. I'm here to help direct an organized resistance against the renegade Tumerok attacks." Lieutenant Kenneth tells you, "Queen Elysa has called for volunteers to help investigate the Tumerok training camps near Dryreach. You can pick up a news sheet about this menace from the barkeeper."

Lieutenant Kenneth tells you, "If you have already investigated the camps, and you have some trophy to prove it, I will gladly reward you. I also accept Tumerok insignia."

You give Lieutenant Kenneth Gold Tumerok Insignia.

You've earned 500 experience.

Lieutenant Kenneth tells you, "Thank you, your heroism is appreciated!"

Lieutenant Kenneth gives you 1,000 Pyreals.