Lunnum's Pyre (Text)

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Introduced:  Friend and Foe Related Quests:  Lunnum's Pyre
Lunnum's Pyre
  • Value: 10
  • Burden: 5
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • Fiun Gaya asks for help in tending the fires of Lunnum's Pyre. This is a good quest for players around level 100.
For years have I tended the fires of Lunnum's Pyre. But now the curse of time has taken its toll upon my body. The fires for which I have cared for so long have now begun to dim. I ask for your help in keeping the light of Lunnum's Pyre forever burning. Seek me out on the Isle of Ruin at 89.1N 47.6W.
