Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest

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Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest
Level: 25
Type: Solo
Starts At: Catacombs of the Forgotten at 17.3N, 32.8E
Route: Cragstone or via portal in Facility Hub (east wing - speak to warden)
Repeat: 20 Hours


Mi Krau-Li is too busy to be dead! Recover Mi Krau-Li's Jitte, and help him continue his work.

This quest optionally starts with the rumor Mi Krau-Li Rumor.

Walkthrough & Notes

Mi Krau-Li's Jitte

  1. The dungeon is very linear and easy to navigate, head north through the large room and then just keep going south ignoring all the side passages, until you get to a room with a coffin.
  2. The coffin is Mi Krau-Li's Sarcophagus, and is empty, except for a Note from Mi Krau-Li himself.
  3. After you have taken the note, head east through a winding passage, taking the first turn off to the south.
  4. You will notice an altar with green mist at the end of the passage. Mi Krau-Li's Jitte is just in front of the altar. If you are doing the Hub Quests, show the jitte to Warden (Catacombs of the Forgotten) before proceeding or you will lose the bonus xp. If you are not a finesse weapon character you can stop here.

Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

  1. Now you have the Jitte, follow the instructions in the note and head to Krau Li's Labyrinth at 35.1S, 23.8E in the A'mun Desert.
  2. From the drop go forward to the door and then head west to the end of the corridor. Take a mental note of the door to the south and then continue down a ramp to the north.
  3. You will now start to see green lights which can be used as an indicator that you're heading the right way. Follow the corridor and turn north into a room with a green flame and a torch tucked away in an alcove. Use the torch to activate the door you saw earlier.
  4. Run back to the now opened door and use the lever. Head back through the doors and this time head east (the first right turn from the drop) and then north east.
  5. Follow the green mist east to the next lever and then run back on yourself through the doors and then south to door 3 of 4.
  6. For the final lever head south west, this opens the very first door you see when entering the dungeon.
  7. Portal recall or use the nearby surface portal and make your way through the door - follow the lights east to Mi Krau-Li.
  8. Hand him Mi Krau-Li's Jitte for Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte.

Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte

  1. If you hand the Jitte back one more time he will ask you to retrieve some components for another upgrade: A Pyreal Bar, Dark Revenant Thighbone and some cartilage from Old Scratchy the Reedshark.
  2. You must give him the components in the order he requests them. You may hand in both the bar and thighbone at the same time but you cannot pick up the cartilage until you have handed those first 2 parts in.
  3. Once you have given him all 3 parts, hand him the Improved Jitte and he will then give you Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Catacombs of the Forgotten 17.3N, 32.8E -- 02E6
Krau Li's Labyrinth 35.1S, 23.8E -- 02E5
Old Scratchy's Cave 29.0S, 26.6E -- --


Give Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte to Mi Krau-Li
Experience: 15,000,000 (??% up to level ??)
Facility Hub Bonus (Level 25+): Show Mi Krau-Li's Jitte to the Warden
Experience: 550,000 (Fixed)


Click image for full size version.


Mi Krau-Li

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Do I know you? I find it harder and harder to remember names and faces. To be frank, everyone who visits me these days smells unpleasantly of flesh and sweat. Upsetting the delicate dry atmosphere of my laboratory with all your moisture and heavy breathing. Anyway, if you've got my old jitte, I'd be happy to exchange it for a much improved one. I think I lost my old one in the Catacombs of the Forgotten at 17.3 N, 32.8 E. And if I've already given you my Improved Jitte, hand it over to me for inspection. I think I've developed a new forging technique that will improve upon even the improved design.

You give Mi Krau-Li Mi Krau-Li's Jitte

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "My old jitte! Thank you! It seems rather inferior now, with the advances I have made in jitte technology. But it has great sentimental value. Take this new jitte I've been working on, see how it works out. If you want something better than that... Well, hand it back to me and we'll talk about truly extreme techniques in jitte crafting.

Mi Krau-Li gives you Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte.
Handing in Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

You give Mi Krau-Li Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

Mi Krau-Li gives you Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Yes! You are a prime candidate to test out my new jitte design! All I need are a few ingredients... Ah, first, I'll hand you back the Improved Jitte. Hold on to it until you've gathered all the ingredients. You might need it to collect them, after all.

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Well, let's start from the beginning. First, I need a bar of Pyreal. You know, a bar made of the Pyreal Motes that come from golems. So get to hunting golems, friend! Kill enough until you've got enough Pyreal motes to make into a bar. Bring me a Pyreal Bar, and we'll move on to the next ingredient.

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Have you compiled a full Pyreal Bar yet? If not, why are you here? There's golems out there that need killing! Get me a Pyreal Bar, and we can start talking about further steps to get you a next generation jitte."
Handing in Pyreal Bar

You give Mi Krau-Li Pyreal Bar

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Well done! Didn't take you that long, did it? Actually, I can't really tell how long it takes people to do things. My sense of time passing doesn't really work. It's as if I'm frozen in some unchanging state... But maybe that's just because I am so focused on the crafting of my jitte...

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Now what I need is the thighbone from one of the undead. Yes, a Dark Revenant Thighbone. I'm sure you know what they look like. Personally, those shambling skeletons give me the creeps. There but for the grace of Jojii go I, I always say. But, yes, bring me a Dark Revenant Thighbone, and we'll be one step closer to getting you the world's finest jitte!

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Yes, good job bringing me the Pyreal Bar. No, I don't need to know how many golems you had to hunt down for it. Why, I could tell you some stories about my legendary fights against golems in the dawn of humanity's days here on Dereth that would curdle your blood! But that's neither here nor there. I still need a Dark Revenant Thighbone to continue working on the mixture for my next generation jitte!"
Handing in Dark Revenant Thighbone

You give Mi Krau-Li Dark Revenant Thighbone

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Hrm, yes, a nicely desiccated thighbone. Lighter than normal bone, but retains the famous tensile strength of Dereth's undead. You know, looking at this, I get a strange, creepy sensation... Like someone walking over my grave. Except I don't have a grave. But you know what I mean, right?

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Now I only need one more ingredient. This might be a tougher to get hold of than the other items, however. I need the cartilage from the body of a particularly old and vicious Reedshark. His name is Old Scratchy. He lives in a cave at 29.1S, 26.6E. He was one of my greatest enemies when Ben Ten and I were competing over who could make the biggest pile of Reedshark corpses. Old Scratchy got the best of me a couple of times. I imagine, at his advanced age, his cartilage will be well cured, and exactly the right consistency to fashion a great jitte...

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "I have a Pyreal Bar and a Dark Revenant Thighbone from you. Well done so far. But as I've already told you, I need cartilage from the body of the ancient Reedshark known as Old Scratchy. That tough old fellow lives in a cave at 29.1S, 26.6E."
Handing in Cartilage of Old Scratchy

You give Mi Krau-Li Cartilage of Old Scratchy

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Aha! Yes, this cartilage will work nicely. It's almost a shame that Old Scratchy had to die so that my jitte may live, but if I were a Reedshark, I'd feel honored that a part of me live on in such a wonderful weapon... It'd be like immortality!

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Now that the ingredients are all gathered, I just need you to hand me your old Improved Jitte, and I will return to you the Remastered Jitte of Mi Krau-Li!"
Handing in Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

You give Mi Krau-Li Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Yes, yes, the components you gathered for me will work perfectly here... This will only take a moment, since I already prepared everything else... I've got a lot of free time down here, you see.

Mi Krau-Li gives you Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte

You've earned 15,000,000 experience

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "Take my new Remastered Jitte and strike mightily against the fearsome beasts who continue to plague Dereth!"
Handing in the Remastered Jitte

You allow Mi Krau-Li to examine your Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte.

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "What, you don't like this one? It's the greatest jitte in existence! There's just no pleasing you people sometimes!"
Retired Dialog

You allow Mi Krau-Li to examine your Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte.

Mi Krau-Li tells you, "What, is my jitte not good enough for you? That is the best I can make right now. I am always experimenting. Come back some other time, maybe I will have something better."

Update History

To Raise a Banner of Flame

  • Quest introduced.

A Perfect Paradox

Come What Follows

Reforging the Past

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 2,078,355 (7% up to level 80) to 15,000,000 (??% up to level ??).

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.