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Turbine Opens Asheron's Call Dark Majesty Site

December 19, 2001

Turbine Entertainment Software is pleased to announce the opening of their Asheron's Call Dark Majesty Web site. In conjunction with the December event, Turbine has opened the doors to, a haven for all players of Asheron's Call to keep abreast of the latest news, lore, and a complete compendium database.

We wanted to take the time to answer some of the questions that many of our supporters have been asking, and some questions that just need to be answered.

What is Turbine's purpose for this new site?
The new site has been designed to be a valuable resource for all players and fans of Asheron's Call. It offers an interactive news page, developer Q&A section, a detailed compendium and much more. Though not all areas of the site are complete we remain dedicated to giving our players a resource for information about the game they love!

Why has it taken so long for Turbine to open its own AC site?
Oddly enough that is a question that we have been asking ourselves. We had wanted to for a very long time. In the end it took a swift kick in the pants from our CEO, Jeff Anderson, assistance from Ken Karl, Chris Lye and others at Microsoft, a private contractor putting in many hours, and a concerted effort of multiple Turbies to reach our end goal. We're pretty pleased with the results.

What are your hopes and plans for the site and its future?
Our plan is simple. Make the most informative and entertaining Web site available for Asheron's Call. We have all of the information on the game, so we can provide the most accurate and complete details about everything to do with the game.

Our hope is that the site aids players and fans in communicating more completely with us, while providing a complete and accurate compendium, accessible and detailed history, and an informative news section. What we really want is to become a place where players can come and get the information that they want, without giving too much away.

Each month you'll see new updates as we expand the site. An Events Calendar that players can use to announce events on each world, a Turbine Store, more compendium releases, and contests and prizes are in the near future. This site will change as our community does, and we want to make that clear.

Will we be seeing a similar site for AC2 in the near future?
Maybe. . .

Who were the Turbies that helped work on the site?
An undertaking of this proportion is something that cannot be accomplished without assistance from the whole team. Many late nights and extra hours were put in to ensure that we met all of our day-to-day obligations. Each member of Turbine contributed in their own way and they should all be given a round of applause for the efforts that went into this site.

Some additional people should be mentioned as well.

Brent Stineman: Brent was contracted to help us build the site from the ground up. He's responsible for the unique structure and all of the code that makes the site tick.

Randy Spong: He's the newest Turbie, handling the daunting task of general webmastering right now. He's the poor guy sifting through your questions, compliments, and complaints. Go easy on the guy, he gets enough guff from us. We don't want him getting broken, we kind of like him.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we asked Brent to solicit screen shots, stories and artwork without being able to tell anyone why. We received the great stuff you now see on our site and those artists and writers should be thanked as well.

What was up with the job opening for an intern on
As you may have figured out, the intern position was announced to find a person to be the site's Webmaster. We received a slew of resumes within the first few hours of the announcement, and looked through each of them before realizing that we really wanted to find someone local. They needed to know something about the game and be willing to, sometime in the future, face down our rabid fans on forums. In the end, the practicality of finding someone that fit well with the Turbine culture, was nearby, and who knew the game and had previous experience won over and we hired Randy Spong.

We're very excited about the opening of and hope that you take the time to come by and check out what we've got to offer!