Noteworthy Players
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This page lists player characters which are noteworthy in one or more of the following ways:
- Winner of an official contest.
- Mentioned / honored in the game.
- In some other way historically noteworthy (e.g. first to reach maximum level).
For similar topics, see:
- Top 10 Lists (old Microsoft Gaming Zone feature).
- Title Count Record Holders by Server
- Acex (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Aelynn (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Aeo (Morningthaw)
- Fourth place winner of the Make A Monster Contest.
- Aiyaan Shiefu (Leafcull)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Mocha.
- Alianna (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Alphalpha's New Pal (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Anarion (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Amid (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- An Adventurer (Leafcull)
- Player that suggested the winning name for the Direlands town Candeth Keep.
- Second place winner of the Asheron's Call Make-A-Movie Contest.
- Winner of the First Chalice of Dereth Lore, a prize granted by Turbine for a player ran trivia contest.
- Anit (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Archmage Rajene (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Aresa (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ari Magnus (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Atsushi (Morningthaw)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Rich Mocha.
- Ayhana (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ballzy Wallzy (Wintersebb)
- Second place winner of the Make A Monster Contest. Their winning design may have been the inspiration for the Mukkir.
- Betty Crocker (Leafcull)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Chocolate Ice Cream.
- Black Jack (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Blade of Death (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Blood (Darktide)
- Prominent monarch in the early days of Darktide. Famously swore allegiance to Bael'Zharon.
- Bortin (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Fruitcake.
- Burningman (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Bystan (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Calissa (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Cecil the Wise (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Chaqella (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Chaton Gato (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Chen Kenichi (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Bar of Dark Chocolate.
- Child of the Dark (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Chip Ali (Harvestgain)
- First place winner of the Make A Monster Contest. Their winning entry appears in game as the Thrungus.
- Clan Arrem (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Corwin of Chaos (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Connor the Craftsmaster
- First place winner of the Asheron's Call Make-A-Movie Contest.
- First and only player on the Community Spotlight: Featured Player section of the official site - link (now dead).
- Crispian (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Curse Razorwind (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Cybelle (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Damien Sarin
- Third place winner of the Asheron's Call Make-A-Movie Contest.
- Dani the Crazed (Leafcull)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Famous Pizza.
- Darken Rynsun (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Dart (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Daven (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Deckape (Morningthaw)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Rich Mocha.
- DeMogoblin (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Dergan (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Doom Slayer (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Drexil Fisthand (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Druuna (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Eaglet the Mage (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Edlund(Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Elanwen (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Rich Iced Mocha.
- Eric the Dead (Frostfell)
- Third place winner of the Make A Monster Contest. Their winning design may have been the inspiration for the Eater.
- Fafhrd (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Firedemon (Thistledown)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Spiced Apple Pie.
- Fiyo (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Flick-Doh (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Funshine Bear (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Gazra (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Gemma (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Gilgalad (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Goldry Bluszco (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Grandmasta Leo (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ho Chun (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Bar of Milk Chocolate.
- Hwang Sung Kyung (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ice Mage (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Irony (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Jenna (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Rich Iced Mocha.
- Jonch (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kakori (Thistledown)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Carrot Cake.
- Kal'el (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kalen the Mighty (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kaliel (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kay'l(Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Keth al-Sheth (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Khallayne (Thistledown)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Chocolate Milk.
- Killerwolf (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kiyomori (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Krimzon (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Kwip (Darktide)
- The spell Kwipetian Vision (Leadership Ineptitude VII) is named after this player.
- Laurianna (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Legacy (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Life (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Lifter (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Loren Silvercloak (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Low Fat (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Luck (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Maggie the Jackcat (Thistledown)
- Operator of the fan site Maggie the Jackcat's Kick-Ass Fabulous AC Web Site.
- The settlement Jackcat Canyon is named after her.
- Magaritta du Jacquette, who is featured in the Secrets of the Apostates Teaser is a tribute to this player.
- Matt the Terrific (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Mallor (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Metsanhaltia (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Mitsi (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Musashi (Frostfell)
- The spell Sashi Mu's Kiss (Faithlessness Other VII) is named after this player.
- Mythrandia (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Ned Cleversun (Thistledown)
- Vassal of Maggie the Jackcat, and inspiration for her famous fan site. The player behind Ned Cleversun passed away in late 2008. The NPC Ned the Clever, who is featured in the Secrets of the Apostates Teaser is a tribute to this player.
- Nevyn (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ney (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Og (Darktide)
- The spell Ogfoot (Quickness Other VII) is named after this player.
- Orion Haspard (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Osian (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Othinn (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Portent (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Pos the Clumsy (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Radaz (Darktide)
- The spell Feat of Radaz (Jumping Ineptitude VII) is named after this player.
- Rand of Rheny (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Rapture (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Raszagal (Morningthaw)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Hot Kimchi.
- Raynie (Thistledown)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Chocolate Milk.
- Reapist (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Rhiannon Morgana (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Chocolate Cake.
- Richter (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ryathwulf (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Rystlwulf (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Sacred Swift (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Same T'ing (Harvestgain)
- A player that was battling cancer in 2009. A live event was held in honor of this player.
- The NPC T'ing Douzen is a tribute to this player.
- Various things related to Two Handed Combat - T'ing's Crystal, Boon of T'ing, and Blessing of T'ing - are named after this player.
- Samina Danka (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Scampi Two (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Schindler (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Seal (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Shadow Death (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Shanra(Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Shisho (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Shob Sr (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Slash the Warlock (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Solaran (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Sol Wrath (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Steiner (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Stratus (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Styx (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Styx Fath (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Sucamarto (Leafcull)
- Operator of the fan site Sucamarto's AC Heaven.
- Winner of the Second Chalice of Dereth Lore, a prize granted by Turbine for a player ran trivia contest.
- Sunji (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Svperstar (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Talley (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Tassadar (Morningthaw)
- Credited in the Specialty Cookbook for creating Hot Kimchi.
- Tayway (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Teck II (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Televangelist (Darktide)
- Winner of the Third Chalice of Dereth Lore, a prize granted by Turbine for a player ran trivia contest.
- Theran Bakagin (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Bar of Milk Chocolate.
- Tim the Enchantor (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- The first character to reach the original maximum character level of 126.
- Topheron
- The spells Topheron's Boon (Monster Attunement Other VII) and Topheron's Blessing (Monster Attunement Self VII) are named after this player.
- Touryan Kurigsun (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Chocolate Cake.
- Tripp (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Uber Caq (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Ultrazen (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Vervain (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Vidorian (Thistledown)
- Vidorian of Thistledown was one of the only two monarchs to complete The Gauntlet and become a "Dark Master".
- As a Dark Master, she helped to destroy the final shard during The Shard of the Herald event.
- Vidorian also led team 4 of the Scavenger Hunt during the Asheron's Call Beta and came first with 171 points.
- She is mentioned in the texts, General History of Dereth Vol. III and Pack Bael'Zharon.
- Visioth Razorwind (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Vuln (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Walim (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial.
- Wi
- A player with notoriously bad luck when it came to getting targeted my creatures. This turned out to be a bug, which developers discussed in the article Wi Flag.
- Mentioned in the Chocolate Cookbook.
- The level 7 spell Wi's Folly is named after this player.
- The Wi Stamp and subsequent Wi Flag are named after this player.
- The settlement Wi Badlands Settlement is named after this player.
- Wren the Blurry (Thistledown)
- Mentioned in the Shard Vigil Memorial under the monarchs section.
- Yakamura Shinji (Frostfell)
- Credited in the Chocolate Cookbook for creating Iced Mocha.