Microsoft Zone Archive/Player Chronicles/Pride Before Nightfall

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Pride Before Nightfall

Aye, it was a grand war host.

We all met in Tufa, a small desert oasis in the shifting sands. There was not one among us who was special in any way. Let that be known. But we were warriors, down to the least among us.

There was Vaduak, fierce and independent...
Miquia Kleth, as beautiful as she was courageous...
Obwan, a funny little fellow with always a joke at the ready...
Our leader, Kale, in whom we put so much faith...
And the others: Sho Masugana, Aiden, Keer Balor, and Satum ben-Sahlla.

And of course myself, Magni Broken-Nose.

We left the town of Tufa that hot morning with plunder on our lips and courage in our hearts. There was nothing that would stop us as we set off into the desert.

We had every reason for our courage when the first gromnies attacked. The rusty, frost-breathing beasts were dispatched by our band with not so much as a bead of sweat expended. Grinning and laughing, we continued north.

The nasty beasts of the desert fell beneath our swords and spells. The warriors and blademasters among us (I myself am of the latter) slew the creatures without quarter. The healers kept up our strength and our stamina. Was there nothing under the sun that would stop us? Nay. There was not.

It was to our doom that the sun did set.

Oh, we all knew that it was best to be near town after gloaming in these twisted sands. And at Darktide, well, it is just folly to be out so far from civilization. But, I suppose, as to so many that have fallen, those rules didn't seem to apply just then.

We had just dispatched a band of hunter shreths and were feeling very full of ourselves. It was then noticed, by Obwan if my recollection is to be trusted, that just over the next hill a ragtag squad of skeleton warriors camped.

Gold lust leaped into our hearts. Skeleton warriors -- they were reputed to carry much treasure. Not only that, but they would be a magnificent challenge. So up we all leapt, and rushed to meet our fate.

I was in the fore ranks.

I set upon the first ghastly warrior, my tachi slicing through the air, crashing against the undead bone. So swept up in my attack I was, I failed to notice several more creatures closing from the south.

Too late, someone cried the alarm. Our band was immediately set upon by yet another militia of the undead. This new party, however, had leadership. I turned to catch a glimpse of the source of this new alarm. I found myself staring straight into the cold black sockets of the Captain. From the corner of my eye, I saw my friends, swords swinging, as the skeletal warriors surrounded us.

I think Aiden fell first. But his death was immediately followed by Sho Masugana's. I panicked and turned to run. Five more skeletons bore down on me. I turned again and was met by the Captain's longsword, which pierced my fine new scale and sent shocks of pain through me. As I staggered backwards, I heard the panic of my fellows.

One by one we fell. When Kale, our leader was cut down, I heard the call to "RUN!"

My feet were already moving, but I didn't get three paces, when that skeleton captain tore through me with the edge of his sword.

My health was razor thin; my stamina, gone. I ran past the Captain, guilt filling my heart as Miquia died. Tears welled up inside me when the Keer's blood-soaked body fell limply to the earth. The Undead Army did not pursue me, but rather, fell upon my comrades: Vardauk, Satum -- and finally, Obwan too.

I alone remained to reach Tufa. I alone must write of our tale.

Aye, it was a grand war host.

--Magni Broken-Nose
