Prison Guard

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Introduced:  Reclamation Related Quests:  Moarsmen Jailbreak
Prison Guard
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Prison Guard
Location 56.4S, 96.9E on Freebooter Isle
Level 250
Strength 150
Endurance 170
Coordination 280
Quickness 280
Focus 200
Self 180
Health 365
Stamina 670
Mana 530


  • Route: Run from the Freebooter Isle drop.
  • Several of these NPCs are on the walls around the Moarsmen Prison.

Lore & Dialog

Prison Guard tells you, "We're guarding this prison. It was constructed to hold moarsmen prisoners."
Prison Guard tells you, "However the prisoners have escaped and taken over the prison. Best we can do now is make sure they don't get out."
Prison Guard tells you, "Talk to Avarin, he's paying out bounties to adventurers who help control the prison population."