Microsoft Zone Archive/Player Chronicles/Shadowy Reflections

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Shadowy Reflections

by Huanto Shian Maul (the Fiery Fork Wielder)

My leader was right, this land of Dereth was like nothing I had seen before. Overrun with vile creatures of all sorts, its landscape scarred by countless battles and terrain providing any adventure with precarious uncertainty. Trudging over that very terrain in the darkness, mumbling under my breath, not really sure of my destination--

". . . what kind of a foul pl--"

-- I stumbled over an unseen stone and fell to the ground. Frustrated, exhausted and alone, I did not bother to rise. I tossed my shield aside in anger. Retune your mind! You must NOT give in!

This place, this war, was getting to me.

Wearily, I rubbed my eyes. Surely a bit more red than usual. They felt tired enough. Sighing heavily, I reached for my discarded shield. Slightly embarrassed that I had so angrily tossed aside my symbol of invincibility, I over-compensated by rubbing out a few blade marks. What tales this piece of hardened metal could tell. Countless times it had saved my life from the punishing blows it had received, and not once did it let me down. My leader would want me to be more like this shield. I envied it. I admired it. I worshiped it.

My thoughts drifted back to when I had no such unyielding protection, only my comrades to guard me. They too tried to be unyielding, but we all have our weaknesses.

Mayoi, the night of the invasion. We were so naive. Most of us had never seen them before, but were anxious to kill them. Who could have known there would be so many? We were no match for them. I saw many valiant companions fall under the blade or the spellcraft of these powerful creatures.

Somehow, I survived. My leader saw this as sign of power, even though I do not remember how I was able to live through the battle. He proclaimed loudly of my feats that night and how my experience was worthy of recognition. Was I a hero? He thought so. I wiped the dried blood and dust off of the small smooth plate at the lower edge of my shield. I read it aloud.

Uncommon valor.

Fearless battle.

Always remember. . .

Curse that acid burn; the last line was almost unreadable. Barely legible, but I wouldn't need the inscription to remember that battle. I would always remember. Too many died. Too many failed. We must NOT fail. I would not fail again. These creatures must die! These evil beings that appeared and disappeared at will. "They don't belong here, only us." "Only US!" I shouted as I jumped to my feet. The gleam was now back in my eyes.


The accursed sun beat down upon my back. Almost unbearably hot. Home was never like this. I reached the shade of some birch trees and paused to cool down. My eyesight, normally keen, was retarded by the intensely bright sun, but I knew they were there. I could smell them. Slight movement caught my eye. I squinted. "There are two. . . no, three!" I ducked behind a tree and hesitated. I had never taken on three by myself. They were moving towards me, I had to make a decision.

I stole another quick glance and nearly laughed out loud. I could see them much clearer now and could tell that only one of them was even close enough to be a match for me. He appeared to be a leader, the two young ones being trained. "I'll give them some training", I hissed. I slipped through the shadows of the trees to place myself directly in their path. "Poor little bastard," I mocked. "He'll never know what hit him." He never did. In one fluid motion I stepped out of the darkness and hurtled my bare fist towards the head of one of the little ones. He never uttered a sound as my knuckles crashed through his forehead and mixed chunks of skull with brain.

Stunned by the sudden attack, the leader barely had time to yell. "RUN!" he shouted. A costly mistake, as it gave me time to equip my weapon and slash viciously across his midsection. He screamed in pain as he tried to raise his shield to block my second blow. I felt a nauseating pain rise up through my body as his blade whipped across my leg. My howl of pain was frighteningly similar to the one I had heard just moments before. Swinging violently as the warrior stumbled to his knees. His chest gave way as my blade tore into him, eviscerating his body as he fell at my feet.

I winced slightly at my fresh leg wound as I watched the hyperventilating youngster trying to escape. Standing my ground, I threw my arms forcefully outward from my chest to my sides as magical energy burst from my body. He was too slow. I half-smiled as I watched the disruptive wave run down the creature and shatter its little body on impact. I surveyed the carnage. "Barely worth my time" I scoffed as I wiped my blade in the grass.


I stopped cold in my tracks. The three I had faced this morning were rabbit fodder. "This one. . ." I cringed, "this one will be different." Had he seen me? I had little time to prepare. I quickly formulated a plan. Too late! He knows I am here. I saw the creature begin spell-casting motions and I quickly followed suit. A mammoth wall of frost burst out and hurtled toward the casting creature. I braced myself for the opposing, undoubtedly brutal, spell. My worry transformed to glee, however, as my body was only briefly encased in a bright red magical aura. I was unfamiliar with what sort of magic this was, but it certainly didn't seem to affect me!

With lightning quick movement, I saw the creature's wand disappear as it tucked and rolled away from my spell. A tree exploded into ice as the volley careened by the warrior. No time to waste, I chanted again. Horrendous timing! The air popped and hissed as I miscast a powerful spell. I threw my shield up just in time. Metal on metal, sparks flew. I was sure my arm had broken from the ferocious blow. Two blows immediately followed, barely catching the edge of my shield. What incredible speed! I darted to avoid the next attack and took advantage of the maneuver to summon more magic. He was too close. The magic blade caught his left side, shredding through his black armor and splashing the grass with crimson. I could smell his blood. He was mine!

Wild-eyed, I charged in for the kill. I barely saw him twitch. Yet he had turned and attacked! The pain raged through me so intensely that I could barely feel a thing. A blood-boiling cry poured out of my mouth. Flash of red light. . . another cry. . . another flash. . . This time I saw it. FIRE! His flaming nekode ripped into me so fiercely, I could barely defend myself. The flame devoured my life force faster than I could restore it. My hatred for these beings transformed to mortal fear as my legs gave way and I fell to my knees. My body burst into flames as I futilely tried to defend myself.

The warrior paused and built up his strength. Flash of light. . . on my back. . . eyes in the accursed sun. . . clawing to keep the small shred of life I had left. How could this be? My leader said we would win! The human limped towards me, kicking my prized shield aside. Hatred burned in his bright green eyes as he kneeled beside me. I was too weak to move, he too driven to notice his own blood on his black platemail. Red on black.

"Nice to meet you," he sneered. "My name is Huanto." He drew back his fiery nekode. My red eyes opened wide. A flash of light. "Die Shadow scum!!"

