From Drunkapedia
(Redirected from Shoes (Dark Grey))
Introduced: | Release |
- Sold by one or more shopkeepers.
- See below for store-bought variations.
- One of the variations of footwear, sold by Tailors. For the other variations, see: Boots, Sandals, Slippers, and Loafers and Viamontian Laced Boots.
- A variation of Loot Generated Armor Other (Hide) footwear, also available as a loot-generated item.
Dyed Variations
Dyed Shoes | ||||
Lapyan (Light Blue) |
Colban (Dark Blue) |
Verdalim (Green) |
Minalim (Mint Green) |
Relanim (Purple) |
Thananim (Black) |
Hennacin (Red) |
Argenory (White) |
Berimphur (Yellow) |
Fail-Dyed |
Quest Shoes
- Shoes (The Crafter) - on corpse of The Crafter
Store-bought Variations
- Colors and numbers refer to the ACIDs (see User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table)
Palettes & Dye Effects
Dye Effects
ACID | Name | Sample DCS | Sample VT | |
4213 | LapyanBlue | 2A6C9A | 1F6176 | |
4387 | ColbanBlue | 001859 | 001858 | |
4052 | VerdalimGreen | 20341B | 101F0E | |
4214 | MinalimGreen | 1F793F | 1F773D | |
4389 | RelanimPurple | 47065C | 46065C | |
4388 | ThananimBlack | 2A2A2A | 242221 | |
4053 | HennacinRed | 3F1007 | 460000 | |
4215 | ArgenoryWhite | ADADAD | CFCFCF | |
4054 | BerimphurGold | 60510A | 483C00 | |
4055 | CriticalPink | B06672 | B05C6B | |
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |
Palettes & Dye Effects
Dye Effects
ACID | Name | Sample DCS | Sample VT | |
4213 | LapyanBlue | 2A6C9A | 1F6176 | |
4387 | ColbanBlue | 001859 | 001858 | |
4052 | VerdalimGreen | 20341B | 101F0E | |
4214 | MinalimGreen | 1F793F | 1F773D | |
4389 | RelanimPurple | 47065C | 46065C | |
4388 | ThananimBlack | 2A2A2A | 242221 | |
4053 | HennacinRed | 3F1007 | 460000 | |
4215 | ArgenoryWhite | ADADAD | CFCFCF | |
4054 | BerimphurGold | 60510A | 483C00 | |
4055 | CriticalPink | B06672 | B05C6B | |
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |
Palettes found in Loot
- The loot-generated color table is still work in progress. See for a spreadsheet for the until now discovered palettes this file (right click, download as)
ACID | Name | Sample DCS | Main VT | ||||||
1453 | Chatruese | 998011 | BFB164 | ||||||
1454 | DarkSoil | 5A491E | 3E320B | ||||||
1455 | FertileEarth | 463A19 | 352A09 | ||||||
1456 | Kahki | 7B6734 | 604D11 | ||||||
1457 | Olive | 897310 | D2B82D | ||||||
1458 | MarshGreen | 74620D | BCA528 | ||||||
1459 | SwampGold | 69580C | A28E22 | ||||||
1460 | BogGreen | 6D5720 | 47390D | ||||||
1461 | Peppermint | 7E3542 | 67101D | ||||||
1462 | RichOrchid | 5D1F53 | 38092F | ||||||
1463 | DarkOrchid | 4C2145 | 310729 | ||||||
1464 | Orchid | 723D6A | 5B0F4C | ||||||
1465 | KidneyRed | 6D202E | 460B14 | ||||||
1466 | BrothelRed | 581D28 | 3D0911 | ||||||
1467 | DeepBurgandy | 471820 | 2F070D | ||||||
1468 | Violet | 6D2061 | 460C3A | ||||||
1469 | OxideRed | 8A2510 | 7A0000 | ||||||
1470 | DarkViolet | 4C2656 | 301136 | ||||||
1471 | GreyViolet | 402847 | 28142B | ||||||
1472 | Lavender | 604169 | 4B2B53 | ||||||
1473 | BrickRed | 7D220F | 5F0A00 | ||||||
1474 | DarkCrimson | 661B0C | 570900 | ||||||
1475 | GarnetRed | 54160A | 4C0700 | ||||||
1476 | DeepPurple | 5D206D | 3D0C47 | ||||||
1477 | DeapMagenta | 6D2045 | 460C26 | ||||||
1478 | GreyMagenta | 59253E | 381122 | ||||||
1479 | GreyOrchid | 482335 | 2D101E | ||||||
1480 | Rose | 7E4560 | 632D47 | ||||||
1481 | DeapBlue | 25206D | 1B0F60 | ||||||
1482 | MidnightBlue | 2B2853 | 140B49 | ||||||
1483 | MoonlessBlue | 2B2946 | 120942 | ||||||
1484 | BlueSlate | 47456D | 22137A | ||||||
1485 | OnyxBlack | 333333 | 222222 | ||||||
1486 | MattekarGrey | 5C5C5C | 434343 | ||||||
1487 | MidReefAqua | 20696D | 0C4046 | ||||||
1488 | DeepReefAqua | 245557 | 0A383D | ||||||
1489 | AquaShadows | 203E3F | 07272B | ||||||
1490 | Tourqouise | 366D70 | 105760 | ||||||
1491 | Charcoal | 404040 | 2A2A2A | ||||||
1492 | SlateGrey | 525252 | 373737 | ||||||
1493 | MossGreen | 294023 | 0F3409 | ||||||
1494 | HarvestGreen | 426F36 | 1A5710 | ||||||
1495 | NewLeafGreen | 4B8220 | 2A620D | ||||||
1496 | LeafGreen | 44761D | 26580B | ||||||
1497 | PlantingGreen | 3C6819 | 214E0A | ||||||
1498 | PromiseGreen | 518D22 | 316F0E | ||||||
1499 | OldGrowth | 305626 | 123D0B | ||||||
1500 | CattailGreen | 306D20 | 15460D | ||||||
1501 | VirindiBlue | 1E283A | 081638 | ||||||
1502 | LugianBlue | 3B4E74 | 102862 | ||||||
1503 | DilloBrown | 6D3220 | 461E0D | ||||||
1504 | FlintRed | 583226 | 3D1A0B | ||||||
1505 | BurntWood | 452B24 | 2F1408 | ||||||
1506 | ClayRed | 6F4336 | 572510 | ||||||
1507 | Navy | 263758 | 0A193F | ||||||
1508 | CobaltBlue | 203A6D | 0C1D46 | ||||||
1509 | WinterNight | 332442 | 1E0731 | ||||||
1510 | PaleViolet | 553E6C | 360E57 | ||||||
1511 | SharkBrown | 6D4420 | 462B0D | ||||||
1512 | Walnut | 593C23 | 382510 | ||||||
1513 | Coffee | 46301D | 2C1D0D | ||||||
1514 | Tan | 73553A | 553C24 | ||||||
1515 | OlthoiPurple | 3F2857 | 270A3F | ||||||
1516 | FrozenPurple | 46206D | 2C0C46 | ||||||
1518 | AfternoonShade | 20526D | 0C2E46 | ||||||
1519 | AquaGrey | 254556 | 0A283D | ||||||
1520 | MossGrey | 223641 | 082234 | ||||||
1521 | Cloudyday | 2E5A72 | 103F60 | ||||||
1522 | Teal | 396C60 | 105C4C | ||||||
1523 | AncientForest | 253A34 | 06241E | ||||||
1524 | AncientSpring | 2D4D45 | 093129 | ||||||
1525 | ClearSpring | 206D5A | 0D473B | ||||||
2381 | FlatGrey | B7B7B7 | 545454 | ||||||
2382 | SilverGrey | 979797 | 4A4A4A | ||||||
2439 | Vermilion | 9D331D | C20000 | ||||||
2440 | CoralRed | 972912 | 9A0000 | ||||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |