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The Sizematron is an NPC located in the North East wing of the Marketplace. He accepts tokens purchased from Porf. Stubbins who stands next to him.

He will shrink or grow your character to a maximum of 20% larger than "stock human" and a maximum of 20% smaller. If you are a Lugian or an Empyrean you are already at the maximum allowable height, and you can only decrease your size.

If you would like to reset your Lugian or Empyrean scale, simply purchase the "Extended Growth Token". All other races default size is the "Average Token"

After you have handed the Sizematron your token you must relog to see its effects.


Sizematron tells you, "Insert token for resizing, Prof Stubbins is not liable for any side effects experienced."

You give Sizematron Sizematron Average Token.

Sizematron tells you, "Average Growth Token recieved. Remain still. Movement shall result in uneven growth!"

Sizematron tells you, "Resizing complete. Please leave this world and return for effects to take ahold. Prof Stubbins is not liable for any side effects."