Strength (Spell)

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Related topics: Spells, Spell Research, Weakness (Spell), Attributes (Spell)

  • Spell Words: Malar Cazael
  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Type refers to whether a spell is player castable ( ), player castable but retired ( ), player usable but only on items ( ), only used by creatures ( ), or unknown/not in game ( This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. ).

Group 0001

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Strength Other I 30 min 5.0 10 1 Increases the target's Strength by 10 points.
Strength Self I 30 min 0.0 15 1 Increases the caster's Strength by 10 points.
Strength Self II 30 min 0.0 30 50 Increases the caster's Strength by 15 points.
Strength Other II 30 min 5.0 20 50 Increases the target's Strength by 15 points.
Strength Self III 30 min 0.0 40 100 Increases the caster's Strength by 20 points.
Strength Other III 30 min 5.0 30 100 Increases the target's Strength by 20 points.
Strength Self IV 30 min 0.0 50 150 Increases the caster's Strength by 25 points.
Strength Other IV 30 min 5.0 40 150 Increases the target's Strength by 25 points.
Lesser Empowering the Conclave 30 min 5.0 40 175 Enhances the Strength of all Fellowship members by 25 points for 30 minutes.
Strength Self V 30 min 0.0 60 200 Increases the caster's Strength by 30 points.
Strength Other V 30 min 5.0 50 200 Increases the target's Strength by 30 points.
Empowering the Conclave 30 min 5.0 50 225 Enhances the Strength of all Fellowship members by 30 points for 30 minutes.
Strength Self VI 45 min 0.0 70 250 Increases the caster's Strength by 35 points.
Strength Other VI 45 min 5.0 60 250 Increases the target's Strength by 35 points.
Greater Empowering the Conclave 45 min 5.0 60 275 Enhances the Strength of all Fellowship members by 35 points for 45 minutes.
Tusker Might 90 min 0.0 100 276 Increases the caster's strength by 35.
Balanced Breakfast 180 min 5.0 60 277 Increases the target's Strength by 35 points.  
Might of the 5 Mules 60 min 5.0 70 300 Increases the target's Strength by 40 points.
Might of the Lugians 60 min 0.0 70 300 Increases the caster's Strength by 40 points.
Superior Empowering the Conclave 60 min 5.0 70 325 Enhances the Strength of all Fellowship members by 40 points for 60 minutes.
Strength Other Incantation 120 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Strength by 45 points.  
Incantation of Strength Other 90 min 5.0 80 400 Increases the target's Strength by 45 points.  
Incantation of Strength Self 90 min 0.0 80 400 Increases the caster's Strength by 45 points.
This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. Incantation of Greater Empowering the Conclave 90 min 5.0 80 400 Enhances the Strength of all Fellowship members by 45 points for 60 minutes.  
Strength of Diemos 120 min 5.0 70 410 Increases the target's Strength by 45 points.  
Zongo's Fist 30 min 0.0 70 420 Increases the caster's Strength by 50 points.  

Group 0105

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Feeble Strength Item 0.0 10 3 Increases the target's Strength by 3 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Minor Strength Item 0.0 10 5 Increases the target's Strength by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Lesser Strength of Earth Item 5.0 40 4 Increases the target's Strength by 8 points.  
Thew Item 0.0 10 8 Increases the target's Strength by 8 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Prowess 2.5 min 5.0 10 10 Increases the target's Strength by 10 points, can be layered with other Strength spells.  
Moderate Strength Item 0.0 10 10 Increases the target's Strength by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Conscript's Might 40 min 0.0 10 10 The might of the Conscripts of the Raven Hand flows through you, bolstering your strength by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Strength of Earth Item 5.0 40 8 Increases the target's Strength by 12 points.  
Inner Might 10 min 0.0 10 12 Raises target's Strength by 12 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Greater Strength of Earth Item 5.0 40 12 Increases the target's Strength by 15 points.  
Major Strength Item 0.0 10 15 Increases the target's Strength by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Epic Strength Item 0.0 10 20 Increases the target's Strength by 20 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  
Legendary Strength Item 0.0 10 35 Increases the target's Strength by 35 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.  

Group 019e

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Harbinger's Strength 120 min 0.0 10 1 Increases Strength 1 point above spells and most cantrips.  
Power of the Dragon 120 min 0.0 10 2 Increases the target's Strength by 2 points. Additional spells, including Cantrips, can be layered over this.  

Group 01fb

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Prodigal Strength 15 min 0.0 70 300 Increases the caster's Strength by 250 points.  

Group 0236

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Novice Brute's Strength 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Strength by 3 points.  
Apprentice Brute's Strength 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Strength by 5 points.  
Journeyman Brute's Strength 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Strength by 10 points.  
Master Brute's Strength 30 min 0.0 10 1 Increases the target's Strength by 20 points.