Talk:Armor Attribute Sets

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we already have a page for this, Item Sets, under loot sets. I'd suggest merging the info here into that page.

edit: I see you made a note there. However, I don't think we need two pages for item sets. --An Adventurer 19:20, 11 October 2008 (CDT)

I feel that the Item Sets page is really more geared toward Quest related sets. In the future, the Quest sets could grow significantly in number to keep on par with loot generated armor, and it could be very large. The whole concept of Attribute Sets has the potential to get very large and comprehensive, so I thought best to create its own page. I think the Concept of Attribute Sets should be kept seperate from the examples/quest sets. Perhaps we could use the Item Sets page for Disambiguity? --Atarax 6 November 2008
I'm redesigning the Item Sets page to only include links to the quest sets. This will cut down on the size and will make linking spells from set bonuses more useful. I would like to suggest merging this page into Item Sets again, under the loot sets header, with only links to the set and perhaps a minor description of what skills/attributes it raises, like the table on this page currently does. Then all quest and loot sets will have an individual page, tagged as Category:Item Set and then either Category:Quest Set or Category:Loot Set. --An Adventurer 19:24, 18 December 2008 (CST)
Sounds good to me. Go ahead and merge it all over. Then just make the attribute sets links redirect to the item sets. This will be better since the quest sets will have their own page and it won't get so crowded on the page. --Atarax 19:52, 18 December 2008 (CST)