Talk:Mausoleum of Bitterness Quest
From Drunkapedia
Info from PHatAC
A majority of the information in this quest guide and related articles comes from the PhatAC server emulator.
The only information related to the 20-49 version of this quest that was confirmed to be on the live servers was that the Gatekeeper of Bitterness was located at:
- 2.8N, 97.1E, Northeast of Oolutanga’s Refuge
- 29.5S, 59.3E, South of Sawato
The Gatekeeper location at 23.7S, 26.3E, Northwest of Uziz was discovered on PhatAC.
All dialog comes from PhatAC.
Teleport /loc locations
/loc for using the Gatekeeper:
- Your location is: 0x00240343 [60.000000 -80.000000 0.005000] 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
/loc for using the Pillar or Effigy if you do not meet the requirements:
- Your location is: 0xC14B0007 [12.000000 156.000000 520.000000] 0.731687 0.000000 0.000000 -0.681641