July, 2021 - [
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Q: It’s interesting to hear that the Sendings of Darkness were not originally part of the Shadow lore. What did the pre-Sendings lore for Shadows look like? In his Q&A session, Stormwaltz mentioned that Jhirvall was the Kemeroi that changed Ilservian into the Hopeslayer, and that fact was established long ago. Does that line up with what you recall? Were there more details about the Shadows?
A: I had established the events that would later be described as the third sending: Ilservian's transformation into Bael'Zharon, the death of Lord Atlan, and Bael'Zharon's eventual imprisonment by the group including Asheron's Mother. I also sketched out the live events that would later become the fourth sending. But the categorization of these as discrete events was done by another.